Jumat, 06 April 2018

BioRegulation Therapy and the Law of Hormesis

BioRegulation Therapy and the Law of Hormesis

Image source: http://www.acsh.org/sites/default/files/Priorities%20Fall%202017.JPG

BioRegulation Therapy and the Law of Hormesis

All ancient human societies recognized a vital energy, referred to as a healing presence or healing thought to be part of all biology. Some scientists recognise this energy, and have attempted to demonstrate its existence with the help of different devices. Modern measuring techniques now enable scientists to study self-controlling processes and cellular communication systems at the photon level in the body. This intense progress in biophysics led to discovery of the interactions of vital processes previously described only in spiritual terms. These advanced measuring techniques are bringing scientific validity to what the ancients understood through intuition. For example, electrophysiology has aided in understanding the working mechanisms of acupuncture.

The human body releases various forms of radiation. This natural radiation of the body may be used for both therapeutic and diagnostic purposes. Both electromagnetic (EM) and mechanical waves such as ultrasound (US), are used by conventional medicine for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes, because of the physical characteristics of the body. Research into other electromagnetic frequencies, as well as more subtle energy emissions, is ongoing, and will yield extremely useful information for both diagnosis and treatment. Energy research supports a holistic concept of health and wellness.

It doesnt take much thought to recognise that all human organ systems and emotional, psychological and physical environmental factors are working together in a balanced fashion. Modern medical science, attempts to evaluate a particular part of the organism without recognizing the integration of the whole. An example of this is a conventional medical in depth analysis of the gastro-intestinal tract, without ever asking the patient what they are eating, or what stress they may be under. While medical diagnostics and therapeutics is advanced medical therapeutics at the organ level, it has actually often harmed the body at a whole body level. In that circumstance, the whole is harmed of more than the part is helped. The whole is greater than the sum of the parts. Even the parts are more complex than a given chemical or imaging test would assess.

Science is increasingly recognizing several principles:
-self-organization and adaptive activity of biological systems are not linear
-interactions of physiologic processes can be understood through the examination of biological communication
-organisms can only be analysed within the context of their own environment, while recognising the dynamics of inter-communication with this environment
-the exchange of biological information is carried out primarily through electromagnetic (EM) and subtle energy information systems
-biochemical reactions are dependent on these energy information systems
-the energetic processes, that is biophysics processes, control biochemical processes. This means that biophysics is more potent and powerful than biochemical perspectives.

More recent bioelectric analysis and treatment modalities incorporate the concept of resonance. The concept of resonance comes from physics. Resonance occurs when the frequencies of two or more separate systems are in harmony with each other. Resonance is a concept used most often in acoustics. However, it also refers to electromagnetic, emotional, morphogenetic and bio-information systems that interact with each other. There must be an appropriate medium between the systems in order to have a resonance-based effect: e.g. air, in the case of sound-waves; in fluids, crystal matrix structures and EM fields for electromagnetic waves. Resonance communication is foundational part of all living systems, including different levels of the human body.

We understand this most commonly through the human processes of seeing or hearing. The eyes and ears are only able to receive a specific discreet range of frequencies and intensities, while all other signals outside of these limits will not be processed by the eyes and ears due to the lack of resonance.

Substances which can act as medicines, will have a resonance with a given individual, organ or metabolic process, and will yield a signal that will help to balance any internal circuit that has become de-compensated, and is not functioning optimally, by bringing it back into resonant harmony.

There are several efficient non-invasive diagnostic tools that have been developed according to these principles. EAV (Electro-acupuncture according to Voll) is an example. Voll carried out research on the electrophysiology of acupuncture. In the 1950s Dr. Voll developed a diagnostic method that recognized separate organs as part of a whole, integrated system. He began to assess the bio-information emitted by the body in order to assess how well organ systems were functioning. The bioelectric device that Dr. Voll developed, surveyed blockages in the bio-information system by measuring the strength of the electromagnetic message running though specific test points.

These test points partly coincide with the classical acupuncture points used for over 5000 years in Traditional Chinese Medicine. They serve as a kind of gate through which an organisms energy communicates with the external world. These points have a dual nature: they are useful for both gathering information, and for delivering treatments to the organs and organ systems that they relate to inside the body. These are diagrams of the electrical properties of acupuncture points as measured on the skin over these points.

Research is now focusing on a complex analysis of organisms electromagnetic (EM) field, where extremely tiny measurements can be detected.

EAV testing is a resonance test which is extremely useful as an aid to the practitioner to help determine the underlying cause of the patients illness. Each individual (as well as organ systems within an individual) has a specific limit to the degree to which they can compensate for various stresses that the system encounters. If the system is stressed beyond this limit, there is a de-compensation which can lead to illness, and external help is needed to re-establish balance.

A normal organism will adapt within the normal range, moving up and down/in and out as necessary.

After a decompensation due to stress or illness, the individual will often manifest a new normal value. This often occurs during a change in the life cycle, such as during menopause in women or decrease in hormone production in men or other major trauma, illness, stress or toxicity. Other changes in the environment can also lead to a new normal value, such as moving to a new home at a different location or altitude (this changes the number of red blood cells). So, there may be very many causes to decompensation.

These phenomena are in a circular inter-relationship between each other, and inter-react in a feedback loop relationship, with each system influencing the other, rather than a linear cause-effect approach, often called bio-cybernetics.

Various therapies that can balance these complicated reactions and interactions include herbs, nutritional supplements, foods, and homeopathic preparations. In addition to these physical substances, specific electromagnetic signals can also positively affect an organism, by affecting the organisms regulating circuits through resonance. From a biophysical point of view, anything that brings a decompensated signal back into a compensated state, can be considered as medicinal.

The Law of Hormesis may help explain this therapeutic phenomena.

Hormesis is a term used to describe a dose response phenomenon in which a low dose of a therapy elicits the opposite effect of that same therapy in a high dose. For example, in homeopathy, a very small dose of allium sativum or onion, will help to stop the same symptoms that are caused by interacting with a large dose of onions, such as tears and a runny nose. Often a toxic substance, or pollutant, will have the opposite effect in a small dose, than it has in a high dose. The mechanism that causes this observed phenomenon is poorly understood. One theory holds that a low doses initiate a compensatory mechanism in the body that offsets the damage that may be caused by a higher dose. This is similar to the effect seen with vaccinations.

The study of Hormesis began 110 years ago with Hugo Schulzs microbiological tests. In these tests Schulz noticed that a mushrooms vitality was increased greatly by smaller dosages of materials that usually have a deleterious effect (e.g. iodine, bromine, salicylic acid, chrome acid, silver chloride.) Later, together with psychiatrist, Rudolf Arndt, he framed the Arndt-Schulz law, which states that every stimulus which causes an effect on a living cell, initiates a biological response that is proportional in an opposite way to the intensity of the stimulus. In other words, a substance which is toxic in high amounts, can be beneficial in low amounts. This same phenomenon applies to radiation and other energy emanations. For instance, current research shows that low levels of radiotherapy can initiate adaptive protection against DNA damage, and stimulate immune function. For example, exposure to sunlight low/short levels of exposure versus high/long levels of exposure. (Feinendegen LE. Evidence for beneficial low level radiation effects and radiation hormesis. Br J Radiol. 2005 Jan;78(925):3-7.)

The theory of hormesis is a universal law and valid to every living being. Due to individual variation, the meaning of low-dosage, or high-dosage is different for everyone and every circumstance variation of. Similarly, depending on the changes in the condition of a person, the same stimulus might be considered as a small dosage and later as a large or middle dosage, which may induce different biological effects. Hormesis is currently being investigated as a useful adjunct to anti-aging concerns, and can initiate the repair of metabolic pathways by repeated exposure to mild stress, which can lead to increased health and vitality in the senior years. (Rattan SI, Clark BF. Understanding and modulating ageing. IUBMB Life.2005Apr-May; 57(4-5):297-304.)

In the 1960s, concepts of four basic types of dosage-dependent reactions were introduced:

A increasing dosage causes a continuous increase in the toxic effect

B increasing dosage causes a preliminary stimulating effect, followed by increasing toxicity

C increasing dosage initially increases toxicity, followed by a stimulating effect, and later by increased toxicity

D increasing dosage causes an initial stimulation, followed by increased toxicity, then stimulation, ending in a final toxic state

The concept of hormesis was later expanded: every agent, physical, chemical, or biological, (emotional) has a stimulating effect if it is used in a dosage much smaller than that of the biologically detrimental dosage.

Understanding these concepts of Hormesis, and that often less is more, came the concept of BioRegulation Therapy (BRT). Bioregulation therapy is based on the mechanism of bio-feedback. Bioresonance uses electromagnetic signals that are released by the organism, or one of the organisms systems or organs, to generate a treatment frequency.

BRT considers organisms as cybernetic systems or self-regulating circles that continually attempt to adjust their own frequencies to ideal values. This is the concept of adaptation. Since both the internal and external environment of a living system constantly changes, perpetual adaptation is essential. This is an incredibly important aspect to consider regarding any kind of therapy. Do you use a therapy periodically or should you use particular therapies frequently? Frequent therapy does not allow organisms/bodies to regress to a base, dysfunctional state.

Cells normally go through 7000 chemical reactions per second, which is an indication of the complex and continuous process involved in adaptation. This level of complexity is beyond the scope of simple biochemistry. Modern measuring techniques have increased the understanding of electromagnetic bio-communication that make the co-ordination of the living system possible, through electromagnetic stimulation.

(Beebe SJ, Blackmore PF, White J, Nanosecond pulsed electric fields modulate cell function through intracellular signal transduction mechanisms. Physiol Meas. 2004 Aug;25(4):1077-93.)

Each individuals metabolic processes and adaptive mechanisms are governed by both internal (endogenous) and external (exogenous) pacers. Internal pacers, natural within the body, provide biochemical reactions that are in rhythm with each other, while external pacers (ie. Geomagnetic fields, planetary influences, signal sources, etc., pulsed electromagnetic fields) affect the internal pacers. Signals normally emitted between cells, which ensure accurate data transfer at a relatively low level of energy consumption, are coherent. Being coherent they are communicating the most efficiently and effectively with each other. The coherence of these intra-cellular messages permits organisms to be able to maintain order and integrity, even though the intensity from the signals generated by the outer environment is much higher than the internal biological control signals. The higher intensity of the external pacers is modified by the body in such a way as to influence the internal Pacers without harm or disruption. A further characteristic of the inner pacers is synchronicity, which allows larger biological units (e.g. organs) to organise the activity of their cells in a very coordinated fashion. All for one and one for all.

In order for an organism to adapt to the environment, there must be a process through which only some of the overwhelming amount of incoming signals from the environment can be selected. In bio-communication, signal filtering is achieved through biological windows. These windows are called the Adey-windows, described by Dr. Ross Adey. Dr. Adey researched and published on electromagnetic field interactions with biological systems, cell membrane organization and intercellular communication, organization of cerebral systems and cellular mechanisms, bioinstrumentation and bioengineering, computer applications in medical imaging, physiological data analysis and the modelling of brain mechanisms and systems. He discovered that these windows are discrete and definable, with exact limit values. Certain frequency ranges are typical to a given biochemical or physiologic system in a body. Achieving communication between cells is dependent on the cell membranes ability to detect and facilitate handshakes between it and oscillating electromagnetic fields, through the activation of intracellular systems that enhance and use these specific signals. Only biological windows that are active at a given moment can be used in information transfer and encourage adaptive activities. Alteration of biological windows within a given system is called phase change, and also results in functional changes, adaptive or maladaptive.

If the natural selectivity system does not function optimally, it will have a negative effect on the information processed and, consequently, on the adaptability of the organism, or on a system within the organism. This can lead to a variety of functional disorders. In order to return the organism to a balanced state, what oh soon so you are ready correct biological information flow must be established.

BRT aids the transfer of therapeutic, low intensity PEMF signals indirectly by exchange of information between reflex areas of the body with corresponding internal systems (ie. neurologic, electrophysiologic, etc) and also by directly stimulating individual cells, since the magnetic field penetrates directly through the body without being used up or being interfered with.

BRT can help to eliminate signals that are not needed by the organism. BRT accomplishes this by creating a standing wave that calls the organisms attention to the disturbance. In this case there is an immediate drop in the signal, which causes the organism to compensate for the disturbance. In this case BRT is the alarm going off, causing the organism to respond to the alarm. The organism can ordinarily accomplish this on its own. However when an organisms vital resources have already been reduced, it is likely that several different decompensating stress factors have already had an impact. In this case BRT, because of its low intensity, that is harm he says, it can be particularly useful to re-establish balance and adaptation.

Environmental signals that help balance internal (endogenous) pacers are vital to maintain the periodicity of our metabolism. Positive outer environmental signals can include natural sounds, such as wind through the trees, bird songs and ocean waves, along with the inaudible emanations of energy emitted by nature. A lack of these kinds of positive outer signals can cause serious pathological disorders by depleting the organisms own system specific vital resources. Artificial signals produced by urbanization and technical civilization reduce the intensity of compensatory external pacer signals available for an organism. In addition, artificial EM fields (sound of cars, electricity, cell towers, satellite emissions, etc.) modulate and interfere with the natural environmental signals of the biosphere; thus organisms receive more negative than positive signals.

Therapeutic application of positive signals through the use of Bioresonance technology is one of the most efficient forms of treatment, since it helps to correct internal pacers which, in turn, activate vital processes. This type of treatment includes techniques which use fundamental vibrations of the biosphere (e.g. structure vibration of Schumann-waves, crystals, minerals, different kinds of metals, polarised light and its harmonics) as therapeutic signals, and positively impact the organism through modulated electromagnetic fields. Integrating many of these positive signals into a complex multi-resonance treatment has been found to be profoundly effective.

In exogenous BRT, the entire body can be treated. Natural selectivity of the organism tends to concentrate healing modulations where they are most needed by the body or body system. Experimentation has proven that in patients who are suffering from chronic conditions, low vitality or fatigue, devices emitting such signals can help to eliminate even stubborn bio-informatic blockades. Conventional medicine is beginning to appreciate the effects of electromagnetic fields in specific health conditions, such as: melatonin production and its possible role in breast cancer; EMF therapies for Parkinsons and other neurodegenerative diseases; the ability of free radicals to accelerate various oxidative stress, manifestations of aging; the crucial role of nitric oxide in carcinogenesis, regulation of blood flow in smaller vessels, and mediating the effects of various drugs.

Electromagnetic fields are actually double-edged swords that can both harm and heal, depending on many measurable parameters, including frequency, amplitude and phase. The electromagnetic fields used for BRT are highly unlikely to be harmful.

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