Minggu, 25 Maret 2018

A guide to Anxiety and Depression

A guide to Anxiety and Depression

Image source: http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/736x/b7/a9/8b/b7a98b732a96de3640e83b2098c3db9b.jpg

A guide to Anxiety and Depression

Sadness is a normal feeling. However, prolonged sadness accompanied with feelings of helplessness, worthlessness and thoughts of suicide may be something else.

Anxiety and depression, although interrelated, are two different concepts. Most people confuse the two with each other. Proper diagnosis is needed for the correct treatment of each disorder.

Differences of Anxiety and Depression
Anxiety is characterized by feelings of worry, sadness and apprehension about the future. It is the feeling of the need to run away to avoid matters that could result to further anxiety. Meanwhile, Depression is the feeling of sadness and hopelessness about the future. It is listlessness and lack of belief.

The following are the symptoms of depression:
1. Weight loss or weight gain
2. Shift in appetite
3. Sleep disorders
4. Fatigue
5. Energy loss
6. Chronic physical symptoms
7. Memory loss
8. Loss of focus
9. Thoughts of suicide and death
10. Irritability and restlessness

The following are the symptoms of anxiety:
1. Fear
2. Fatigue
3. Headaches
4. Muscle tension and muscle aches
5. Difficulty swallowing
6. Sweating
7. Hot flashes
8. Trembling or twitching
9. A feeling of impending doom
10. Irritability

There are many factors that may cause depression like emotional, physical, psychological, social, or spiritual factors. Depression has a lot of risk factors like biochemistry, genetics, environmental factors and personality. Interactions of the chemicals in the brain can bring about depression. Studies have also shown that genetics can play a role in depression. An individual who has depression in his family history is more likely to develop depression throughout his lifetime. On the other hand, those exposed to neglect, violence, abuse or poverty are more susceptible to depression than those who are not.
Anxiety, on the other hand, is brought about by the interaction of myriad of factors. Stress brought about by work, relationships, school, and death of a loved one can cause anxiety. Financial problems is also a leading cause of anxiety. Mental conditions like phobic disorders, panic disorders, generalized anxiety disorder and stress disorders can cause anxiety.

Similarities of Anxiety and Depression
Anxiety and Depression are caused by changes in the neurotransmitter serotonin. Low serotonin levels could indicate anxiety and depression. Epinephrine and dopamine also play a role as well. Because they are caused by the same neurotransmitters, they also share similar symptoms. Untreated anxiety can eventually lead to depression. Both can be treated through a combination of medication and therapy.

Therapy and Medication
Anxiety and depression are two of the most treatable mental disorders. Eighty to 90 percent of the individuals with these disorders respond to the treatment.

Before prescribing medications, physicians will suggest holistic therapies and practices to address anxiety and depression. Some examples of treatment for said disorders include imagery, meditation, hypnosis and relaxation training. Yoga and mindfulness medication is also used to treat said disorders. It has been shown that patients respond to this treatment as early as eight (8) weeks.
Some physicians also recommend additional nutritional supplements like Vitamin B6, omega-3 fatty acids EPA/DHA, probiotics, vitamin D-3, magnesium glycinate, folic acid, inositol, N-Acetyl-Cysteine (NAC), GABA, and S-Adenosylmethionine (SAMe). Amino acids like L-tyrptophan, Taurine, 5HTP, L-theonine, L-tyrosine and L-phenylalanine can also be prescribed.

Aromatherapy, animal-assisted and pet therapies, music therapy, nature-based therapies, traditional Chinese Medicine and Naturopathic medicine can also be resorted to.
For more serious cases, anti-depressants may be prescribed. The following are the anti-depressants sold in the United States: Abilify, Aplenzin, Adapin, Asendin, Celexa, Desyrel, Fetzima, Latuda, Lamictal, Lexapro, Marplan, Nardil, Oleptro, Paxil, Prozac, Sarafem, Triavil and more.

Anxiety, depression and similar mental disorders are very much treatable. Simple things like regular exercise, enough sleep and proper nutrition will go a long way in treating anxiety and depression.

Another form of anxiety and depression recovery comes in the form of rehabilitation treatment clinics where the route courses of the illness are treated in a safe environment supported by trained medical teams who also help you develop the coping mechanisms for life moving forward.

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