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Endometriosis Part XVI - Types of Essential Oil Help To Treat Endometriosis
Endometriosis which grows somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period. As we know essential oils play a very important role in treating some kinds of disease. In this article, we will discuss how types of essential oil helps to treat endometriosis.
A. Bergamot
I. Definition
Bergamot is a small and roughly pear-shaped fragrant citrus fruit native to southeast Asia.It has been used as a ingredient for grey tea in treating malaria. The essential oil--beromot is an extraction of the tree.
II. How essential oil--bergamot effects women with endometriosis
1. Liver tonic
Essential oil--bergamot is said to contain liver tonic chemicals that help to increase liver in maintaining the insulin levels in carbohydrate metabolism by stimulating or stopping the pancreas production of insulin, thereby decreasing the food and sugar craving for women with endometriosis during menstrual cycle.
2. Digestive system
It also enhances the production of stomach acids which help to digest and absorb the vital nutrients that are lacked in women with menstrual cycle as we mentions in some articles.
3. Nervous system
Essential oil-- bergamot also is a excitotoxicity that is the pathological process by which nerve cells are damaged and killed by glutamate and similar substances, thus it helps to reduce tension of nervous system caused by over active brain cells resulting in decreasing the effects of endometrial symptoms.
4. Immune system
It also increase the body immune system by increasing the liver function in defensing the invasion of foreign invasion such as bacteria, virus and forming of radicals and endometrial implants and adhesion.
5. Anti spasmodic
Essential oil bergamot is also an anti spasmodic, it helps to decrease the over active muscles including the uterine muscle resulting in decreasing the heavy blood flow and menstrual cramps.
B. Chamomile Roman
Roman chamomile is plant belongs to the anthemis nobilis, the family species of Asteraceae . It is also known as English chamomile, sweet chamomile and garden chamomile. It has been used in traditional medicine in treating nervous disorder. Pure essential oil--chamomile roman is made from essential oil steam distilled from chamomile flowers.
II. How essential Oil--chamomile roman effects women with endometriosis
1. Nervous system
Essential oil chamomile roman is said to have calming effects for women with endometriosis during menstrual cycle. By reducing the tension of nervous cells caused by over producing of levels of estrogen, it helps to relax the brain cells resulting in lessening the symptoms of endometriosis such as muscle tension, emotional and physical stress, anxiety, etc.
2 Dysmenorrhea
By reducing the tension of over active muscles caused by nervous disorder, it helps to reduce the abdominal muscles including the uterine muscles resulting in decreasing the menstrual cramps during menstruation.
3. Blood cleansing
Essential oil--chamomile roman is also a blood purifier. By purifying the blood in the circulatory system, it helps to bring more oxygen and increase the production of red and white blood cell resulting in increasing the immune system fighting against forming of endometrial implants and adhesion as well as reducing the risk of anemia for women with heavy blood during menstruation.
4. Digestive system
It is said that essential oil- chamomile roman helps to increase the function of digestive system in absorbing the vital vitamins and minerals during menstrual cycle.
5. Pre mnestrual syndrome
By reducing the muscle tension before ovulation and menstruation, it reduces the symptoms of pre menstrual syndrome caused by over active uterine muscle as resulting of hormone imbalance.
C. Clary Sage
I. Definition
Clary sage essential oil is extracted from Salivia Sclarea of the Labiatae family and is also known as Clary, Clary wort. It has been used in traditional medicine in treating muscle pain.
II. How essential oil--Clary sage effects women with endometriosis
1. Nervous system
It is said the essential oil--clary sage is nervous system tonic medicine, it helps to relax the tension of brain cells that causes depression, stress, insomnia and deep seated tension.
2. Menstrual pain
it also helps to strengthen the liver function in fatty acids metabolism thereby it reduces the risk of over active uterine muscle resulting in menstrual pain for women with endometriosis during menstrual cycle.
3. Heavy menstrual blood flow
Essential oil-Clary sage contains geraniol, asubstance that help to strengthen the liver function in fatty acids metabolism thereby it increases the transportation of oxygen and nutrients for our body cells need resulting in lessening the risk of heavy menstrual flow caused by breaking off small vein in uterus.
4. Immune system
Essential oil-- Calry sage containing linalool, is a natural terpene alcohol substance. Since linalool also has antioxidant properties it helps to increase the function of immune system in limiting damage from oxidation reaction resulting in lessening the risk of endometrial implants and adhesion. It also contains caryophyllene which is antiseptic, thereby it helps to destroy the microscopic organism usually a bacteria or virus, that causes diseases.
D. Cypress
I. Definition
Cypress essential oil is from Cupressus sempervirens of the Cupressaceae family and is also known as Italian or Mediterranean cypress.
II. How essential oil---cypress effects women with endometriosis
1. Respiratory system
Essential oil- cypress helps to increasing function of respiratory system by inhibiting glandular secretion that may partially block the air which is needed for oxygen absorption resulting in increasing the oxygen levels in the blood that are necessary for cells in the body.
2. Nervous system
Essential oil--cypress contains sabinene, a substance is said to helps in sympathetic or parasympathetic functions, thereby it helps to control and smooth muscle contraction, such as regulating cardiac muscle, resulting in lessening the tension of nervous system's symptoms including uterine muscles and menstrual pain.
3. Heavy blood flow
It is said that essential oil- cypress also helps to increase the elastic of capillaries wall resulting in reducing the risk of broken off of the small veins in the abdomen resulting in lessening the risk of heavy menstrual blood flow.
4. Digestive system
It also helps to increase the stomach acid in digestive system resulting in increasing the absorption of essential vitamins and minerals for women with endometriosis because most of them are found to have some kinds of vitamins or minerals deficiency during menstrual cycle.
E. Fennel
I. Definition
Essential oil--fennel is also known as fenkel and Roman fennel, it is extracted from foeniculum vulgare var. dulce, which is a sweet fennel of the Umbelliferae (Apiaceae) family.
II. How Essential Oil--Fennel effects women with endometriosis
1. Respiratory system
Essentail oil-- fennel containing a-pinene and limonene help to purify the air in the lung resulting in maximum the oxygen absorption that is vital for regulating the brain cell function. Without enough oxygen, it causes symptom of fatigue, dizziness, tiredness, etc.
2. Antispasmodic
It is said that fennel also helps to release tension of nervous system resulting in lessening the muscle pain including uterine muscle that causes symptom of menstrual pain.
3. Emmenagogue
Since it is also a mild emmenagoue, it helps to increase production of blood and red blood cells that are essential for women with endometriosis and with heavy blood flow during menstruation.
4. Immune system
It is also a liver tonic medicine, it helps to improve liver function in protein and fat metabolism resulting in increasing the function of immune system in fighting against the forming of free radical and endometriosis implants and adhesion.
5. Constipation:
Essential oil- fennel is also laxative, it helps to improve the movement of stool resulting in lessening the menstrual cramps caused by endometrial implants and adhesion attached to secretion organs.
F. Geranium
I. Definition
Essential oil--geranium is extracted from the plant Pelargonium odorantissimum, of the Geraniaceae family. It contains the compose of various chemical constituents, including a-pinene, myrcene, limonene, menthone, linalool. It has been used in traditional medicine in treating nervous disorder.
II. How essential oil--geranium effects women with endometriosis
1. Nervous sytem
Essential oil-geranuim is said contains chemicals that helps relieve the tension of nervous system including the hormonal production of adrenal gland resulting in lessening the symptoms of endometriosis such as emotional and physical stress, mild depression and anxiety.
2. Poor circulation
Is also helps to release the blood stagnation that causes poor circulation resulting in increasing blood blow in the body including the blood flow to the abdomen that helps to release the menstrual cramps and heavy period blood flow.
3. fluid retention
It is said that essential oil--geranium helps to in crease function of the lymphatic system resulting in reducing the risk of fluid retention in the body tissues.
4. Menstrual irregularities.
By helping the fat and protein metabolism of the liver, it helps to balance the production of estrogen and progesterone resulting in lessening of menstrual irregularity.
5. Hormone balancing
Essential oil-gerunium also works on the adrenal cortex that helps in fatty acids metabolism and has a balancing effect on the hormone system resulting in lessening the period pain caused by over production of certain hormone in the prostaglandins family.
G. Helichrysum
I. Definition
Essential oil--helichrysumis extracted from Helichrysum angustifolium of the Asteraceae (Compositae) family and is commonly known as everlasting oil. It has been used in traditional medicine in treating liver congestion.
II. How Essential Oil--helichrysum effects women with endometriosis
Essential oil--helichrysum contains some main chemical components such as a-pinene, camphene, b-pinene, myrcene, limonene.
1. Nervous system
Essential oil--helichrysum is antispasmodic, it helps to reduce the muscle tension caused by over active of brain cells in electrotype transmission of information resulting in reducing the muscle cramps in the abdomen for women with endometriosis
2. Diuretic
It also is diuretic that helps to increases function of lymphatic system resulting in decreasing the symptoms of water retention in the body tissues and breast tenderness caused by imbalance of ratio of potassium and sodium during menstrual cycle.
3. Circulatory system
It is said that some substances in the essential oil--helichrysum helps to improve the liver metabolism of fatty acids resulting in reducing levels of bad cholesterol in the blood steam. Thereby it helps to increase the levels of oxygen and nutrients in the blood that reduce the risk of hormone imbalance which causes symptoms of endometriosis.
4. Liver congestion
Liver congestion is caused by the qi stagnation in the abdominal region. By releasing the flow of qi, helichrysum improves the function of liver in fighting against inflammation caused by endometrial implants and adhesion.
5. Digestive system
Essential oil--helichrysum is also a digestive system tonic medicine, it helps to improve the digestive function in absorbing the nutrients that are necessary for the body of women with endometriosis needed. Deficiency of nutrients are common for women with endometriosis during menstrual cycle.
H. Lavender
I. Definition
Essential oil--lavender is also known as Lavandula officinalis, it is extracted from lavandula angustifolia of the lamiaceae family. It has been used to relieve tension of the nervous system.
II. How Essential Oil--Lavender effects women with endometriosis
Essential oil--lavender contains chemical components of a-pinene, limonene, linalool, cis-ocimene, trans-ocimene, etc.
1. Nervous system
Essential Oil--lavender has a soothing and calming effect on the nerves, thereby it helps to relieve the nervous tension that causes symptoms of endometriosis including depression, panic, hysteria and it is effective in treating headaches, migraines.
2. Menstrual Cramps
Since it helps to improve the function of nervous system, it reduces the muscle tension in the body including the uterine muscle resulting in lessening the menstrual cramps.
3. Anti-inflammatory
Essential oil--lavender contains a-pinene and limonene that help to increase function of immune system that is important to fight off the inflammation of endometrial implants and adhesion.
4. Insomnia
Insomnia is one of the symptoms of women with endometriosis, it is either caused by menstrual cramps or over active brain cells that have kept them at wake at night. Essential oil--lavender is said to help to calm the brain cell and reduce menstrual cramps resulting in lessening the risk of insomnia.
5. Bowel disorder
Essential Oil--lavender is said to helps to move the stool in the large intestine that acts as a laxative resulting in lessening the pain caused by endometriosis implants and adhesion attached to secretion organs.
6. Respiratory system
It is also a respiratory system tonic, by increasing the blood circulation to the lung that increases the lung function in absorption of oxygen resulting in lessening the problems of bronchitis, asthma, colds, laryngitis, halitosis, throat infections and weakening the immune system.
I. Nutmeg
I. Definition
Essential oil--nutmeg is also known as myristica officinalis and it is extracted from myristica fragrans of the Myristicaceae family. It has been used as a reproductive system tonic medicine in traditional medicine.
II. How Essential oil--nutmeg effects women with endometriosis
Essential oil--nutmeg contains main chemical components of a-pinene, camphene, b-pinene, sabinene, myrcene, a-phellandrene, a-terpinene, limonene, etc.
1. Antispasmodic
Essential oil--nutmeg helps to improve the tension of nervous system in controlling the muscle action in the body, thereby it reduces the over active of uterine muscle resulting in lessening the endometrial cramp for women with endometriosis,
2. Digestive system
Essential oil--nutmeg is said to help in inhibiting the bad microorganisms in the digestive system. Over growth of bad microorganisms causes over production of its waste resulting in increasing the risk of toxin accumulation and weakening the liver function in defending against foreign invasion and endometrial implants and adhesion.
3. Emmenagogue
It also has an emmenagogue by increasing the blood flow to the pelvic area and uterus that helps to bring on menstrual flow and reduce symptoms of endometriosis caused by amenorrhea.
4. Laxative
Essential oil--nutmeg also acts as laxative that helps to move the stool in the large intestine resulting in reducing the risk of constipation and pain caused by endometrial implants and adhesion in secretion organs.
J. Rose Otto
I. Definition
Essential oil--rose otto is also known as Bulgarian and Turkish rose, it is extracted from the damask rose - Rosa damascena of the Rosaceae family. It has been used in traditional medicine as sedative for nervous system.
II. How Essential Oil--Rose Otto effects women with endometriosis
Essential oil--rose otto contains the main chemical composition of citronellol, phenyl ethanol, geraniol, nerol, farnesol and stearpoten with traces of nonanol, linalool, nonanal, phenyl acetaldehyde, citral, carvone, rose oxide, etc.
1. Nervous system
Essential oil--rose otto has been used as a sedative medicine to calm the over active nervous cell resulting in reducing symptoms of endometriosis including muscle tension, anxiety, emotional and physical stress and depression.
2. Constipation
It also acts as laxative medicine that helps to to induce bowel movements or to loosen the stool resulting in lessen the pain caused by endometriosis in the secretion organs.
3. Liver
Essential oil--rose otto is also a liver tonic, it helps to increase the liver function in synthesis of carbohydrate that helps to bring energy to the body need resulting in reducing symptoms of endometriosis including tiredness, fatigue and sleeplessness.
4. Emmenagogue
It is also emmenhagogue that help bring on absence of period and reduces menstrual cramps caused by blood stagnation in the abdominal region by stimulating the blood flow in the abdomen.
5. Digestive system
Essential oil--rose otto is said to help to improve the digestive function in absorption of vital nutrients that are always deficiency for women with endometriosis during menstrual cycle.
6. Uterine tonic
Since it is uterine tonic, it helps to maintain the normal of function of uterine muscle and reduce the heavy blood flow and menstrual cramps.
Since endometriosis is treatable and manageable by natural remedies and a self help course, if you have endometroisis, please look on the bright side.
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