Senin, 30 April 2018

Enhancing Your Athletic Performances with Halotherapy

Enhancing Your Athletic Performances with Halotherapy

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Enhancing Your Athletic Performances with Halotherapy

Have you ever watched an Olympic sporting event or a World Championship and wonder why a specific athlete won the event? In some events, the difference between first and last is a split second. Every athlete wants to perform well and win the event. Each athlete is looking for a competitive edge that can put him or her over the top.

And one of the ways that an athlete can increase his chances of success is by optimizing his breathing patterns and lung capacity. Salt Therapy can be applied to professional and amateur athletes as well as weekend warriors by helping them achieve their best performance through increased lung function and stamina.

There are many drawbacks to having poor breathing patterns including the increased probability of injury while training or during competition, increases muscle soreness, dehydration and muscle cramping. Halotherapy counteracts these negative effects by removing mucus, reducing bronchial hyper responsiveness and clearing out an athletes lungs

Athletes arent immune to respiratory conditions and pulmonary conditions. Airway obstruction is a blockage of respiration in the airway that can be caused by viral infections such as croup or swelling can reduce athletic performance. And for those athletes that have allergies or respiratory conditions such as asthma, salt therapy is a 100% natural, drug-free solution that is has been used to treat people with for many centuries,

Breathing purified air improves, rejuvenates and removes impurities from the body and boosts the immune system through the use of dry aerosol of salt micro particles and minerals. National sports teams in Eastern Europe and professional sports teams like Australias St. Kilda Football Club, the Saints, use salt therapy to obtain positive effects including increased recovery time between games. A salt cave in Bochnia, Poland has a speleotherapy unit with an underground sport-field and basketball court. Theres even a salt cave that specializes in Equine Salt Therapy for equine athletes,

Athletes find out that optimal breathing pattern allows them to achieve better performance, using less of their air reserves to achieve outstanding results. When the body is working within its normal parameters it can sustain higher performance levels. Its just the opposite when it isnt operating within its optimal levels and athletes have less stamina and endurance. Athletes that compete in events that require high levels of stamina including long distance and cross country running, ironman events, wrestling etc should consider integrating Halotherapy into their regular training routine.

Endometriosis Part XVI - Types of Essential Oil Help To Treat Endometriosis

Endometriosis Part XVI - Types of Essential Oil Help To Treat Endometriosis

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Endometriosis Part XVI - Types of Essential Oil Help To Treat Endometriosis

Endometriosis which grows somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period. As we know essential oils play a very important role in treating some kinds of disease. In this article, we will discuss how types of essential oil helps to treat endometriosis.

A. Bergamot
I. Definition
Bergamot is a small and roughly pear-shaped fragrant citrus fruit native to southeast Asia.It has been used as a ingredient for grey tea in treating malaria. The essential oil--beromot is an extraction of the tree.

II. How essential oil--bergamot effects women with endometriosis
1. Liver tonic
Essential oil--bergamot is said to contain liver tonic chemicals that help to increase liver in maintaining the insulin levels in carbohydrate metabolism by stimulating or stopping the pancreas production of insulin, thereby decreasing the food and sugar craving for women with endometriosis during menstrual cycle.

2. Digestive system
It also enhances the production of stomach acids which help to digest and absorb the vital nutrients that are lacked in women with menstrual cycle as we mentions in some articles.

3. Nervous system
Essential oil-- bergamot also is a excitotoxicity that is the pathological process by which nerve cells are damaged and killed by glutamate and similar substances, thus it helps to reduce tension of nervous system caused by over active brain cells resulting in decreasing the effects of endometrial symptoms.

4. Immune system
It also increase the body immune system by increasing the liver function in defensing the invasion of foreign invasion such as bacteria, virus and forming of radicals and endometrial implants and adhesion.

5. Anti spasmodic
Essential oil bergamot is also an anti spasmodic, it helps to decrease the over active muscles including the uterine muscle resulting in decreasing the heavy blood flow and menstrual cramps.

B. Chamomile Roman

Roman chamomile is plant belongs to the anthemis nobilis, the family species of Asteraceae . It is also known as English chamomile, sweet chamomile and garden chamomile. It has been used in traditional medicine in treating nervous disorder. Pure essential oil--chamomile roman is made from essential oil steam distilled from chamomile flowers.

II. How essential Oil--chamomile roman effects women with endometriosis
1. Nervous system
Essential oil chamomile roman is said to have calming effects for women with endometriosis during menstrual cycle. By reducing the tension of nervous cells caused by over producing of levels of estrogen, it helps to relax the brain cells resulting in lessening the symptoms of endometriosis such as muscle tension, emotional and physical stress, anxiety, etc.

2 Dysmenorrhea
By reducing the tension of over active muscles caused by nervous disorder, it helps to reduce the abdominal muscles including the uterine muscles resulting in decreasing the menstrual cramps during menstruation.

3. Blood cleansing
Essential oil--chamomile roman is also a blood purifier. By purifying the blood in the circulatory system, it helps to bring more oxygen and increase the production of red and white blood cell resulting in increasing the immune system fighting against forming of endometrial implants and adhesion as well as reducing the risk of anemia for women with heavy blood during menstruation.

4. Digestive system
It is said that essential oil- chamomile roman helps to increase the function of digestive system in absorbing the vital vitamins and minerals during menstrual cycle.

5. Pre mnestrual syndrome
By reducing the muscle tension before ovulation and menstruation, it reduces the symptoms of pre menstrual syndrome caused by over active uterine muscle as resulting of hormone imbalance.

C. Clary Sage
I. Definition
Clary sage essential oil is extracted from Salivia Sclarea of the Labiatae family and is also known as Clary, Clary wort. It has been used in traditional medicine in treating muscle pain.

II. How essential oil--Clary sage effects women with endometriosis
1. Nervous system
It is said the essential oil--clary sage is nervous system tonic medicine, it helps to relax the tension of brain cells that causes depression, stress, insomnia and deep seated tension.

2. Menstrual pain
it also helps to strengthen the liver function in fatty acids metabolism thereby it reduces the risk of over active uterine muscle resulting in menstrual pain for women with endometriosis during menstrual cycle.

3. Heavy menstrual blood flow
Essential oil-Clary sage contains geraniol, asubstance that help to strengthen the liver function in fatty acids metabolism thereby it increases the transportation of oxygen and nutrients for our body cells need resulting in lessening the risk of heavy menstrual flow caused by breaking off small vein in uterus.

4. Immune system
Essential oil-- Calry sage containing linalool, is a natural terpene alcohol substance. Since linalool also has antioxidant properties it helps to increase the function of immune system in limiting damage from oxidation reaction resulting in lessening the risk of endometrial implants and adhesion. It also contains caryophyllene which is antiseptic, thereby it helps to destroy the microscopic organism usually a bacteria or virus, that causes diseases.

D. Cypress
I. Definition
Cypress essential oil is from Cupressus sempervirens of the Cupressaceae family and is also known as Italian or Mediterranean cypress.

II. How essential oil---cypress effects women with endometriosis

1. Respiratory system
Essential oil- cypress helps to increasing function of respiratory system by inhibiting glandular secretion that may partially block the air which is needed for oxygen absorption resulting in increasing the oxygen levels in the blood that are necessary for cells in the body.

2. Nervous system
Essential oil--cypress contains sabinene, a substance is said to helps in sympathetic or parasympathetic functions, thereby it helps to control and smooth muscle contraction, such as regulating cardiac muscle, resulting in lessening the tension of nervous system's symptoms including uterine muscles and menstrual pain.

3. Heavy blood flow
It is said that essential oil- cypress also helps to increase the elastic of capillaries wall resulting in reducing the risk of broken off of the small veins in the abdomen resulting in lessening the risk of heavy menstrual blood flow.

4. Digestive system
It also helps to increase the stomach acid in digestive system resulting in increasing the absorption of essential vitamins and minerals for women with endometriosis because most of them are found to have some kinds of vitamins or minerals deficiency during menstrual cycle.

E. Fennel

I. Definition
Essential oil--fennel is also known as fenkel and Roman fennel, it is extracted from foeniculum vulgare var. dulce, which is a sweet fennel of the Umbelliferae (Apiaceae) family.

II. How Essential Oil--Fennel effects women with endometriosis

1. Respiratory system
Essentail oil-- fennel containing a-pinene and limonene help to purify the air in the lung resulting in maximum the oxygen absorption that is vital for regulating the brain cell function. Without enough oxygen, it causes symptom of fatigue, dizziness, tiredness, etc.

2. Antispasmodic
It is said that fennel also helps to release tension of nervous system resulting in lessening the muscle pain including uterine muscle that causes symptom of menstrual pain.

3. Emmenagogue
Since it is also a mild emmenagoue, it helps to increase production of blood and red blood cells that are essential for women with endometriosis and with heavy blood flow during menstruation.

4. Immune system
It is also a liver tonic medicine, it helps to improve liver function in protein and fat metabolism resulting in increasing the function of immune system in fighting against the forming of free radical and endometriosis implants and adhesion.

5. Constipation:
Essential oil- fennel is also laxative, it helps to improve the movement of stool resulting in lessening the menstrual cramps caused by endometrial implants and adhesion attached to secretion organs.

F. Geranium
I. Definition
Essential oil--geranium is extracted from the plant Pelargonium odorantissimum, of the Geraniaceae family. It contains the compose of various chemical constituents, including a-pinene, myrcene, limonene, menthone, linalool. It has been used in traditional medicine in treating nervous disorder.

II. How essential oil--geranium effects women with endometriosis

1. Nervous sytem
Essential oil-geranuim is said contains chemicals that helps relieve the tension of nervous system including the hormonal production of adrenal gland resulting in lessening the symptoms of endometriosis such as emotional and physical stress, mild depression and anxiety.

2. Poor circulation
Is also helps to release the blood stagnation that causes poor circulation resulting in increasing blood blow in the body including the blood flow to the abdomen that helps to release the menstrual cramps and heavy period blood flow.

3. fluid retention
It is said that essential oil--geranium helps to in crease function of the lymphatic system resulting in reducing the risk of fluid retention in the body tissues.

4. Menstrual irregularities.
By helping the fat and protein metabolism of the liver, it helps to balance the production of estrogen and progesterone resulting in lessening of menstrual irregularity.

5. Hormone balancing
Essential oil-gerunium also works on the adrenal cortex that helps in fatty acids metabolism and has a balancing effect on the hormone system resulting in lessening the period pain caused by over production of certain hormone in the prostaglandins family.

G. Helichrysum

I. Definition
Essential oil--helichrysumis extracted from Helichrysum angustifolium of the Asteraceae (Compositae) family and is commonly known as everlasting oil. It has been used in traditional medicine in treating liver congestion.

II. How Essential Oil--helichrysum effects women with endometriosis
Essential oil--helichrysum contains some main chemical components such as a-pinene, camphene, b-pinene, myrcene, limonene.

1. Nervous system
Essential oil--helichrysum is antispasmodic, it helps to reduce the muscle tension caused by over active of brain cells in electrotype transmission of information resulting in reducing the muscle cramps in the abdomen for women with endometriosis

2. Diuretic
It also is diuretic that helps to increases function of lymphatic system resulting in decreasing the symptoms of water retention in the body tissues and breast tenderness caused by imbalance of ratio of potassium and sodium during menstrual cycle.

3. Circulatory system
It is said that some substances in the essential oil--helichrysum helps to improve the liver metabolism of fatty acids resulting in reducing levels of bad cholesterol in the blood steam. Thereby it helps to increase the levels of oxygen and nutrients in the blood that reduce the risk of hormone imbalance which causes symptoms of endometriosis.

4. Liver congestion
Liver congestion is caused by the qi stagnation in the abdominal region. By releasing the flow of qi, helichrysum improves the function of liver in fighting against inflammation caused by endometrial implants and adhesion.

5. Digestive system
Essential oil--helichrysum is also a digestive system tonic medicine, it helps to improve the digestive function in absorbing the nutrients that are necessary for the body of women with endometriosis needed. Deficiency of nutrients are common for women with endometriosis during menstrual cycle.

H. Lavender
I. Definition
Essential oil--lavender is also known as Lavandula officinalis, it is extracted from lavandula angustifolia of the lamiaceae family. It has been used to relieve tension of the nervous system.

II. How Essential Oil--Lavender effects women with endometriosis
Essential oil--lavender contains chemical components of a-pinene, limonene, linalool, cis-ocimene, trans-ocimene, etc.

1. Nervous system
Essential Oil--lavender has a soothing and calming effect on the nerves, thereby it helps to relieve the nervous tension that causes symptoms of endometriosis including depression, panic, hysteria and it is effective in treating headaches, migraines.

2. Menstrual Cramps
Since it helps to improve the function of nervous system, it reduces the muscle tension in the body including the uterine muscle resulting in lessening the menstrual cramps.

3. Anti-inflammatory
Essential oil--lavender contains a-pinene and limonene that help to increase function of immune system that is important to fight off the inflammation of endometrial implants and adhesion.

4. Insomnia
Insomnia is one of the symptoms of women with endometriosis, it is either caused by menstrual cramps or over active brain cells that have kept them at wake at night. Essential oil--lavender is said to help to calm the brain cell and reduce menstrual cramps resulting in lessening the risk of insomnia.

5. Bowel disorder
Essential Oil--lavender is said to helps to move the stool in the large intestine that acts as a laxative resulting in lessening the pain caused by endometriosis implants and adhesion attached to secretion organs.

6. Respiratory system
It is also a respiratory system tonic, by increasing the blood circulation to the lung that increases the lung function in absorption of oxygen resulting in lessening the problems of bronchitis, asthma, colds, laryngitis, halitosis, throat infections and weakening the immune system.

I. Nutmeg
I. Definition
Essential oil--nutmeg is also known as myristica officinalis and it is extracted from myristica fragrans of the Myristicaceae family. It has been used as a reproductive system tonic medicine in traditional medicine.

II. How Essential oil--nutmeg effects women with endometriosis
Essential oil--nutmeg contains main chemical components of a-pinene, camphene, b-pinene, sabinene, myrcene, a-phellandrene, a-terpinene, limonene, etc.

1. Antispasmodic
Essential oil--nutmeg helps to improve the tension of nervous system in controlling the muscle action in the body, thereby it reduces the over active of uterine muscle resulting in lessening the endometrial cramp for women with endometriosis,

2. Digestive system
Essential oil--nutmeg is said to help in inhibiting the bad microorganisms in the digestive system. Over growth of bad microorganisms causes over production of its waste resulting in increasing the risk of toxin accumulation and weakening the liver function in defending against foreign invasion and endometrial implants and adhesion.

3. Emmenagogue
It also has an emmenagogue by increasing the blood flow to the pelvic area and uterus that helps to bring on menstrual flow and reduce symptoms of endometriosis caused by amenorrhea.

4. Laxative
Essential oil--nutmeg also acts as laxative that helps to move the stool in the large intestine resulting in reducing the risk of constipation and pain caused by endometrial implants and adhesion in secretion organs.

J. Rose Otto
I. Definition
Essential oil--rose otto is also known as Bulgarian and Turkish rose, it is extracted from the damask rose - Rosa damascena of the Rosaceae family. It has been used in traditional medicine as sedative for nervous system.

II. How Essential Oil--Rose Otto effects women with endometriosis
Essential oil--rose otto contains the main chemical composition of citronellol, phenyl ethanol, geraniol, nerol, farnesol and stearpoten with traces of nonanol, linalool, nonanal, phenyl acetaldehyde, citral, carvone, rose oxide, etc.

1. Nervous system
Essential oil--rose otto has been used as a sedative medicine to calm the over active nervous cell resulting in reducing symptoms of endometriosis including muscle tension, anxiety, emotional and physical stress and depression.

2. Constipation
It also acts as laxative medicine that helps to to induce bowel movements or to loosen the stool resulting in lessen the pain caused by endometriosis in the secretion organs.

3. Liver
Essential oil--rose otto is also a liver tonic, it helps to increase the liver function in synthesis of carbohydrate that helps to bring energy to the body need resulting in reducing symptoms of endometriosis including tiredness, fatigue and sleeplessness.

4. Emmenagogue
It is also emmenhagogue that help bring on absence of period and reduces menstrual cramps caused by blood stagnation in the abdominal region by stimulating the blood flow in the abdomen.

5. Digestive system
Essential oil--rose otto is said to help to improve the digestive function in absorption of vital nutrients that are always deficiency for women with endometriosis during menstrual cycle.

6. Uterine tonic
Since it is uterine tonic, it helps to maintain the normal of function of uterine muscle and reduce the heavy blood flow and menstrual cramps.

Since endometriosis is treatable and manageable by natural remedies and a self help course, if you have endometroisis, please look on the bright side.

I hope this information will help. If you need more information or insurance advice, please follow my article series of the above subject at my home page at:

To read the series of endometriosis visit:

Emotional Detachment And How To Overcome It

Emotional Detachment And How To Overcome It

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Emotional Detachment And How To Overcome It

Emotional detachment can be referred to an individual who cannot connect find or connect emotionally with others or themselves. Such individuals cannot perform in a social gathering and might eventually sink into a nervous breakdown. It is very important for an individual to get professional help in order of overcoming this emotional condition. There are quite a number of therapies out there that have been conjured to help individuals overcome such; most of these therapies come as personal development cures. Emotional detachment is often linked to some or all of these signs


Anger can be a very difficult vice to kick out. Individuals who have had previous problems which have led them to this state will always tend to isolate themselves from other people. This is because they are able to react differently to even small issues like jokes. They may be emotionally detached as they do not know how to handle their anger.


Grief can be a difficult issue to deal with especially when has lost someone they were really close to. They may not know how to deal with their loss and they may find themselves keeping to themselves. However for individuals who go through this state their friends and family can take note of this and recommend better options for them to take like dealing with experts who can teach them how to let go and move on with their lives.

Stress And Depression

Individuals who have stress may find themselves emotionally detached in the long run. This is because they are so immersed in their own problems that they cannot find time to socialize well with others. This at severe situations will cause depression. Once depression sets in they might find themselves getting an emotional breakdown.

Loss Of A Job

If an individual loses there source of income it may lead them to a state of emotional detachment. An individual may be confused and be out of options. This can be more difficult if they have responsibilities they need to take care of. These signs are easy to detect. When an individual is getting emotionally detachment they should seek the help of a professional before they get an emotional breakdown.

People who overcome emotional detachment must find in themselves ways to forge ahead with their lives. Accepting life situations however hard they may be is often a big step in emotional cure. It is also very important to understand influences of the brain when seeking for any therapy; successful individuals note that the brain is the central controlling organ of each and every activity in the human body. Looking for therapies which influence the strength of the human brain in affecting cure to emotional detachment is the only permanent way of getting rid of the sickness. There are quite a number of places where you can get good information about how to cure emotional detachment, when seeking more information on these always make sure that you get information from good reputable sites which have a reputation of displaying factual information.

Minggu, 29 April 2018

EMDR A Powerful New Therapy for Healing Emotional Pain

EMDR A Powerful New Therapy for Healing Emotional Pain

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EMDR A Powerful New Therapy for Healing Emotional Pain

EMDR was developed 13 years ago to deal with the after effects of trauma. It was used and tested mostly on Vietnam Veterans who were suffering from intrusive memories from the War. Since then, it has become increasingly popular due to its ability to move the process of psychotherapy along at a swift pace. Not only does EMDR take the emotional charge off a traumatic event from the past; also, the meaning of that earlier event changes, leading to new self concepts and behaviors.

As the process evolved and became more widely used, therapists realized that they could use it on any troubling event or memory from the past. In my private practice, I work with many "everyday traumas" that cause people to have limiting beliefs about themselves. A child is so vulnerable to its environment in the first 5 or 6 years, that it often gets messages from events about itself;for example...I'm too big/small, lazy, stupid, the "wrong sex", and deficient in some way, don't deserve love, am powerless, am a disappointment.

All of these beliefs make sense to the child's mind, and they need to be explored and understood in that perspective before they can be released to make room for more realistic perspectives and beliefs about the self.


Bessel van der Kolk in discussing the research of Martin Teicher (Teicher et al, 1997) points out that with the new brain imaging technology, we have found that trauma, and the recalling of traumatic experiences occurs in the right hemisphere of the brain and to the exclusion of the left hemisphere. Regular "talking therapy", without EMDR uses language to process memories. Given that the left hemisphere becomes inactive when a traumatic memory is recalled, it is understandable that verbal therapies have a non-verbal body focus, which seems to stimulate inter-hemispheric activity.


The client is directed to hold a troubling image in awareness, with its accompanying sensory experiences, and the distorted negative belief (i.e. I am bad, it was my fault, I'm powerless, and I don't deserve love). Along with this is used alternate bilateral brain stimulation (by eye movements, sound moving from ear to ear or tapping). As the client follows this process, observing his feelings, he experiences a letting go of the feelings and the symptoms that developed as a result of this event. He then is free to live in the present, and feel safe again.


I was using EMDR with a patient who had Multiple Schlerosis to help her regulate her pain and emotional state. We began by focusing on the pain, along with a picture that represents the pain and where in the body the pain was felt, along with the level of disturbance of the pain (from 1 to 10), 10 being the worst it could be. The patient holds all this in awareness, along with the belief about the self they feel as they look at this scene.

She focused on the pain she felt in her ankle, and rated it at a level of disturbance of a 7. The picture was her collapsing onto the floor, when her ankle was too weak to hold her up. The belief she had about herself was "I can't take care of myself".

As we did the EMDR processing while she closed her eyes and tried to hold all these things in her awareness, she saw her self as a child being blamed in an angry way by her mother for not taking care of her younger sister when she was just age 6. Her sister fell out of her high chair and injured her face badly. As we stayed with all these parts of that experience, she had many new thoughts and awarenesses about what the appropriate responsibility roles of her parents and herself at that young age of 6 had been. She then began to release the feelings of her own "Badness" and the shame that she had felt from this. This shifted her feeling of unworthiness of having anything good happen to her.

We now needed to work on the pain again in her ankle. As she focused on it, using the EMDR stimulation it came down from a 9 to a 4, in intensity. As I would ask her the level of intensity of her pain, she would report what thoughts were going through her mind. She pictured many scenes from growing up where she would stop herself from expressing what she wanted or felt, in order to please others. I asked her to step into the scene she was picturing as the grown up adult of today and to help that child (her younger self) by asking the child what would she have needed to make that painful situation a little easier. The child's answer was to know that she was valued. This adult part of my patient was able to re-parent that child part of her in exactly the way the child needed it. The amazing thing I have found from working in this way for 13 years, is that when we simply ask (in a sincere, caring way) those parts of us that are so needy, what it is that they needed then, then we can give it to them, energetically, through our intention.

As we kept reprocessing and desensitizing other incidents she reported a level of pain that varied from 3 to 7. She was much more aware of the pain levels she had, and we built in ways for her to reduce her level of pain with imagery that she could use at any time she wanted.

The other thing that can be done to reduce pain with EMDR is just to focus on the pain using the alternate bi-lateral simulation. This changes a person's experience in their body.

There is much reserach to be found on EMDR on the web. Start with and My web site also has articles about EMDR at

Eliminating Criticism From Your Relationship

Eliminating Criticism From Your Relationship

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Eliminating Criticism From Your Relationship

Famed relationship expert and researcher, Dr. John Gottman, uses science to determine the main predictors of divorce or instability in a relationship. Criticism is one of the primary behaviors that destroys relationships.

Criticism feels like an attack, but sometimes you may not see it coming until it has already hit you.

So what are the Antidotes to Criticism?

1. Learn to recognize Criticism in all its subtleties:

Words like "you always" or "you never" lead into Criticism with an air of finality. Even merely describing your partner rather than yourself can sound critical. The underlying tone is "What's wrong with you?" One benefit of counseling is that the therapist can help couples notice Criticism and steer them towards repair.

Once you recognize Criticism, you can use simple devices to build awareness and change habits. This includes cautions, such as asking yourself, "am I giving my partner the benefit of the doubt here? and "what is it I really need or want right now?" This can be followed by thinking "turn what you're saying to focus more on describing yourself."

2. Transform your Criticism into a Complaint and Bid:

Using the soccer ball metaphor, Criticism is equal to you kicking your partner around, rather than the ball.

A Complaint allows you and your partner to see the problem as outside of either one of you, and kick the problem around, gently back and forth, until the issue is resolved or at least better understood. Complaints convey, "You, I love. This problem, not so much."

You can soften a Complaint with appreciation or by giving the other person the benefit of the doubt. For example, say things like: "You may not be able to do anything about this," "I'm sure you didn't realize or mean to... ," "I appreciate your help with this."

Complaining focuses on your experience rather than your partner's actions. Statements begin with "I feel" or "I think" rather than "You are" or "You do" statements.

If your Complaint includes a Bid for what you need or want, you are helping your partner know how to respond more effectively. In fact, I've often found going straight to making a Bid for what you want or need is even more effective than making the entire Complaint.

3. Make a Repair:

Repairs can come from either the speaker or the listener in the interaction

The speaker may have started with "what were you thinking?" or the made statements that began with "you did," "you didn't," "you need to" and "you should." The speaker can make a Repair by saying, "Sorry. That came out too harshly." "Whoops, can I try that again?" Or, "What I meant to say is: I need/want/would appreciate it if... "

The listener can help, too. An effective Repair can also sound like the listener saying, "I'm feeling criticized. Could you please try saying that differently?" Or, "I need you to speak more softly/kindly to me."

Get Help:

This 3-step method to eliminating criticism from your relationship may seem overly simplistic. However, trust me, it works! Over time, my private therapy clients have seen positive, noticeable improvements in their emotional, mental and physical relationships with their loved ones.

While private therapy is not a feasible option for many couples, a couples weekend workshop is an time and cost effective way to improve your relationship - no matter where your relationship presently stands.

The Art and Science of Love, a Couples Workshop, developed by the Gottman Institute, is a unique weekend workshop experience for couples because it presents methods and teaches skills - such as how to eliminate criticism from your relationship - based on proven research and drawn from what the Masters do.

EFT for PTSD Effective Treatment For Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

EFT for PTSD  Effective Treatment For Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

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EFT for PTSD  Effective Treatment For Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

PTSD begins with a traumatic interruption of our experience of reality. Our usual sense of safety and well-being are violated and replaced by intense feelings of fear, horror and helplessness, overwhelming whatever coping strategies weve developed for everyday stress.
Whether this is the result of a single, discreet incident or a long series of terrible events, we have to keep on living and the simple demands of day-to-day life dont stop just because we are in shock.
Unable to discharge the intense negative emotions, our psyche instead attempts to repress the traumatic memories, to quarantine them away from conscious awareness. Unfortunately, this walling off of the trauma requires enormous amounts of psychic energy to maintain and is not usually very successful. The feelings dont just go away, rather they simmer and fester below the surface.
Those with PTSD often find themselves triggered by small, seemingly random things. It might be getting caught up in a crowd, or perhaps the smell of a particular spice in a Vietnamese restaurant. A car backfiring, or the expression on a strangers face. These apparently innocent stimuli are tied to the original memory and cause a breach in the protective wall. This may set off flashbacks, or surges of anger, fear, panic or depression.
Trying to prevent this kind of triggering, some PTSD sufferers become reclusive or even phobic, obsessively avoiding certain situations or people. They may turn to alcohol or other numbing agents, in an effort to shut down their fight or flight reactions. This often leads to a downward spiral of dysfunctional and deteriorating relationships. Close family members are often traumatized as a result.
For some, the effort to maintain the repression begins to cause memory problems, lethargy, trouble concentrating, insomnia or emotional numbing. So much effort is going into isolating the trauma that little energy is left for normal life.
Unfortunately, most conventional talk therapies require the client to remember, verbalize and discuss their memories and feelings. This process and runs directly counter to the clients powerful subconscious need to stay safe through repression, and offers only a very gradual discharge of traumatic emotions.
Well meaning therapists may do more harm than good by strongly re-triggering traumatic memories and strengthening the related neural pathways. Instead of discharging the negative emotions, they become more deeply entrenched.
One treatment method that has demonstrated very promising results for PTSD relief is EFT (emotional freedom techniques). EFT or tapping operates on the premise that all negative emotions are a disruption in the bodys energy systemthe same network of energy meridians that acupuncturists use.
Instead of using needles, the EFT practitioner has the client tap on specific acupuncture points with their fingers, while focusing on negative emotions, physical sensations and recollections. When applied properly, the technique often provides immediate relief. Repeated rounds of tapping may bring about a complete discharge of the negative emotional intensity associated with a particular memory.
This doesnt mean the memories disappear. To the contrary, they may become more clear and detailed. They simply lose any emotional content. Feelings like fear, or anger, shame or grief seem to fade away. This process often seems to make room for insight and compassion. Follow-up, even months later typically shows no return of these negative feelings.
One great advantage of the EFT process is that it can work without re-traumatizing the client. All certified practitioners are trained in the tell a story and tearless trauma techniques that specifically avoid flooding the client with emotion.
EFT is also remarkably effective. To fully discharge one specific memory may take, on average, anywhere from 20 minutes to an hour. These seemingly miraculous results are possible because EFT addressed the root of the problem: the disturbance in the clients energy system, rather than hashing over the memory itself.
As specific memories are discharged one after another, a generalization effect begins to take place, and similar memories begin to lose their intensity automatically. In other words, if a combat veteran has 100 traumatic war memories, it may only be necessary to tap on ten to twenty of them for complete relief.
EFT has been used effectively for combat vets, police, fire and paramedics, victims of rape and violent assault, survivors of natural disasters, accidents, terrorist attacks and childhood abuse. As traumatic memories are collapsed the energy that was going toward repressing them is restored, and many related problems, including physical complaints, tend to spontaneously resolve.
EFT is a relatively new technique and is still considered alternative and so may not be covered by most health insurance plans. However, given the lack of effective conventional treatments for PTSD, EFTs track record of immediate relief may make it the best and most cost effective approach for many PTSD sufferers. And because many EFT practitioners can work over the phone, sessions are accessible to almost anyone.

Sabtu, 28 April 2018

Effectiveness Of Ayurvedic Medicine For Eczema Skin

Effectiveness Of Ayurvedic Medicine For Eczema Skin

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Effectiveness Of Ayurvedic Medicine For Eczema Skin

Eczema is a term used in the medical science that denotes multiple skin problems. These may include itching, irritation, inflammation, redness and burning sensation on the skin. Even there may be appearance of scaly patches on the skin. Allergies are chiefly responsible causing this type of skin condition. The sufferer keeps on scratching the affected areas of the skin so as to soothe down the discomfort caused due to itching, irritation or inflammation. Even sometimes, there is bleeding from the skin at some points due to constant scratching. People who are highly allergic towards certain foods, pollens, allergens present in the environment or dander from animals are at high risk of suffering from eczema. This skin condition may attack any of the body parts. People of all age groups and genders may get affected by this skin condition.
Treatment for eczema with ayurvedic medicine

Keeping in mind the severe discomfort associated with the condition of eczema, ayurvedic medicine world has made varying researches and formulated certain medicines in the form of remedies or products. Ayurvedic medicine for eczema skin aims at eradicating this skin issue from its root cause so as to prevent its recurrence.

a. To soothe down the irritation and itching on your skin, you may use organic cold pressed virgin coconut oil. It is one of the safest and most effective ways to heal your skin without causing any harm to the skin in any manner.

b. Acute symptoms of eczema may be relieved well by topical application of strong brew of chamomile tea. It is prepared by steeping the fresh dried chamomile herbs for around 15 minutes. You may repeat the same process 2-3 times in a day to have effective relief from the discomfort associated with eczema.

c. Topical application of aloe Vera gel by mixing the same with Vitamin E oil on the affected areas offers great relief from the symptoms of eczema instantly. It is due to cooling and soothing effect offered to the skin.

d. Chaparral herb which is commonly known as Larrea tridentate in botanical science is rich in antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties and hence helps in offering relief from itching, inflammation and any types of infections on the skin. Add small amount of tincture obtained from this herb to the bathing water to have effective relief from eczema.

e. Borage or better known as Borago officianalis in botanical science is rich in Gamma linolenic acid. The oil extracted from this herb may be applied topically on the affected areas so as to keep skin hydrated. At the same time, repair of the damaged skin cells is also accelerated with the help of this oil.

f. Similarly, essential oil extracted from Cajeput herb is also helpful in eradication of eczema from the skin. It is due to presence of active chemicals such as alpha-terpineol, benzalhedyde, cajeputol and limonene in the oil obtained from this herb.

g. Take three organic carrots and boil them after removing the upper skin. When carrots become soft make a paste and apply the same on the affected skin areas. Wait for around 15 minutes followed by rinsing with cool water and pat dry after that

You can also get rid of this skin condition using ayurvedic medicine for eczema skin in a natural and safe manner. Thus do not forget to follow these natural remedies in place of other harsh chemicals for betterment of your skin. Side-effects free treatment is always safe and can be more efficient as compared to other methods. One should opt for all natural and organic cures for treating various skin ailments.

EDTA Keladine Creme and Biscayne Labs

EDTA Keladine Creme and Biscayne Labs

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EDTA Keladine Creme and Biscayne Labs

If you find that you are having issues with your body such as with your heart, then you may want to think about looking into using chelation therapy such as EDTA Keladine Creme. This kind of therapy is noninvasive, and it allows your body to get rid of many of the toxins, arterial plaque, and heavy metals that may be harming your body. Once the chelatin agents are introduced into your body, you will find that the toxins will be released naturally.
There is a wide variety of different uses for chelation therapy in the modern world. At first, it was used to naturally expel heavy metals from the bodies of soldiers in order to reduce the amount of poisoning that they would suffer from. Nowadays, this kind of therapy and the chelating agents that go along with it are able to remove arterial plaque from your body in order to greatly reduce the risk that you may have of heart attacks and strokes. You can easily find information on this by contacting Biscane Labs.

Biscane Labs is the company that offers people the opportunity to use EDTA Keladine Creme. They are located in Florida in the United States, and they have been in business since 2007. This company sells products that are natural, and they help people to cure their medical ailments without having to have surgery.

There are many people that have never heard of EDTA Keladine Creme. If you are interested in being healthy by using natural vitamins and supplements, then you should consider looking into this product. It is one of the ways that you can have chelation therapy administered. There are numerous people that do not like the idea of having to go into surgery, and this is how you can avoid it.

There are many different benefits that go along with using the EDTA Keladine Creme as opposed to taking pills that your doctor may prescribe. One of the main benefits is that you will begin to notice a considerable change in your health much faster than you would by taking pills. By taking the pills, you should know that it will take a long time for you to begin to see much of a difference.

If you are not certain about the Biscane Labs company or EDTA Keladine Creme, then you should take the time to check out some of the review that have been written by customers that have purchased this product. You will find that there are a lot of people that have had serious problems with their heart such as hardening of the arteries. This product worked to reverse the affects of this medical condition. It is amazing that this company made a product that can save the lives of people that have heart problems.

Get all the facts about Biscayne Labs here:

Easy At-home Muscle Therapy

Easy At-home Muscle Therapy

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Easy At-home Muscle Therapy

There are few things that couch potatoes and athletes have in common, but one of them is muscle pain. Muscle pain is often caused by strenuous workouts, mild injuries or a lack of activity. For either type of muscle pain, there are some simple therapeutic techniques to relieve the pain and soreness. Though you will feel better immediately, muscle therapy must continue for a few weeks to make real improvements.

To alleviate muscle tightness and soreness, do not rub back and forth. Whether you are rubbing your own muscles or having someone do it for you, rub in only one direction. Use slow, deliberate, firm strokes. If done properly, this is painful. Eventually, the tight muscle will relax, easing your pain. Do not be surprised if a well-worked muscle is sore the next day.

Learn to identify the trigger points in your body where tight muscles hide, and work them systematically. Trigger points can be identified by the "balled-up" feeling in the muscle. For areas of the body you are unable to reach, use a tennis ball if no one is available to help you. Place the tennis ball between your body and the wall, and move your body to create muscle-rubbing tension as the ball rolls along the wall.

Foam rollers are also helpful in do-it-yourself muscle therapy. Lay the foam roller on the floor or place it between your body and the wall, as you would the tennis ball. Then move your body, allowing the foam roller to roll along the floor or wall, massaging your sore, achy muscles.

Stretching is wonderful exercise, but it has limited success in relieving chronic muscle pain. Muscles can become contracted permanently, and it is necessary to use pressure with your hands, the ball or the foam roller to loosen the muscle enough for stretching.

Protein is the building material muscles are made of. Lean meat is the best source of protein. To counteract osteoporosis as we age, dairy products also have protein. Hard cheese is a good source of calcium and protein, but use caution because hard cheese is very high in fat and calories. Arnica, cayenne and white willow supplements also help ease the pain of sore muscles.

Always warm up and stretch properly before exercising or playing sports. Stay hydrated during activity to prevent muscle cramping and spasms that contribute to sore muscles. Loose, comfortable clothing is important during a workout because it allows the blood to flow properly.

Grey's Anatomy scrubs are excellent for working out, stretching and exercising because they help keep you cool, allow your muscles to move freely and do not cut blood flow to the extremities. These scrubs are also very fashionable.

Jumat, 27 April 2018

Ease Arthritis Pain with LED Light Therapy

Ease Arthritis Pain with LED Light Therapy

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Ease Arthritis Pain with LED Light Therapy

LED light therapy offers a drug free alternative for easing your arthritis pain and getting back to enjoying life and the beauty it presents every day. Dealing with pain on a daily basis steals your joy from the most mundane tasks to the biggest of events in your life. LED light therapy is a unique treatment that eases pain and inflammation without the use of harmful or dangerous drugs; one that will help you finally feel relief.

LED (light emitting diode) therapy treatments combine very specific healing red and infrared wavelengths to activate the production of endorphins, block pain transmitting chemicals, increase circulation, and increase the energy with the cells. As the wavelengths ignite these responses within your body, your cells respond by easing the pain that comes along with this frustrating condition.

Some individuals notice an instantaneous relief from their pain while others report that it can take several treatments before they experience pain relief. Consistency with this therapy is a vital component of achieving success. The more consistent the sufferer is the better the results they will produce.

The LEDs use a form of energy called photons to penetrate deep into the skin, tissue, joints, and bones easing pain and repairing damage. As the powerful wavelengths permeate the cells they produce a non-narcotic analgesic effect.

Studies have shown that visible red light at 660 nanometers penetrates into the body to a depth of about 8-10 mm (.31-.39 inches) while infrared light at 880 nanometers penetrates to a depth of 30-40 mm (1.18-1.60 inches.) The red and infrared LEDs enhance one anothers effectiveness prompting over 24 positive reactions at a deep cellular level.

Benefits of LED Light Therapy for Pain Relief

Activates the production of endorphins (Endorphins are substances made by the body that reduce pain and bring about a feeling of euphoria and well-being)
Blocks pain transmitting chemicals
Accelerates healing
Reduces inflammation and swelling
Increases circulation (carries more vital oxygen and nutrients to the affected area while also carrying waste away)
Increases cellular energy (ATP is the major carrier of energy to all cells. Increases in ATP allow the cells to accept nutrients faster and get rid of waste products more quickly.
Aids with arthritis pain and stiffness

This alternative therapy is an all-natural, non-invasive, relaxing, and completely drug-free option for treating and managing pain. Its a therapy can that can be done in your own home or in a medical facility making it convenient for you to ease your pain and get moving again.

Early Menopause Treatment Learn How to Deal

Early Menopause Treatment Learn How to Deal

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Early Menopause Treatment Learn How to Deal

The age of early menopause is considered to be anything before thirty-five. Most women do not start going through menopause until at least after the age of forty, so anything before this is pretty much a complete surprise. Now unfortunately, doctors are not able to determine, in most cases, what the cause of early menopause is.

There are however, some great options for early menopause treatment, so at least you can feel grateful about this. Early menopause treatment aims to relieve the womans symptoms so that she can get back to living her life and be as comfortable as possible until this stage of her life is over.

It is important to be aware of the different early menopause treatment options that are out there and available to you before making any decisions, even with your doctors recommendations. You want to be aware of what is accessible to you and this is important to make sure that you are making the best decision in your case.

Treatment Options

Hormone therapy is one of the most commonly used treatments on women who are going through early menopause. The point of this treatment is to increase the level of certain hormones that are lacking in the womans body, so that she can feel healthier, more like her old self. You will need to work closely with your doctor through this treatment process, because they are going to have to constantly be checking your levels.

There are alternatives to hormone therapy as well, if you would prefer a more natural early menopause treatment. Using low-dose vaginal estrogen is one way of going about it, and this is going to help reduce vaginal dryness and irritation and help with hot flashes as well. This is not hormone therapy and so it is not nearly as destructive on the body.

There are also lots of other lubricants and moisturizers that you can use on your body and which will help you to deal with the dryness of the vagina while you are going through menopause.

The most important thing is that you take the time to learn about menopause, what you are going through, and only when you understand what you are dealing with are you going to be able to deal with it appropriately. At least it is nice to know that there are some very helpful, effective treatments that you can use to deal with your early menopause.

Durolane Injections are a Treatment for Osteoarthritis and an Alternative to Osteoarthritis Surgery

Durolane Injections are a Treatment for Osteoarthritis and an Alternative to Osteoarthritis Surgery

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Durolane Injections are a Treatment for Osteoarthritis and an Alternative to Osteoarthritis Surgery

Osteoarthritis sufferers already know just how painful and inconvenient it can be. Simple acts such as getting in and out of your car or opening a jar can be surprisingly challenging, and the pain, swelling and stiffness in the joints: can be debilitating. Osteoarthritis generally affects individuals after the age of 45 but is also common in athletes who are younger. As a disease of the joints where the cartilage in the joint begins to break down over time, Osteoarthritis typically affects the hips, knees, hands and feet. Since cartilage in the joint cannot heal itself, those who suffer from Osteoarthritis benefit from treatment once symptoms present themselves.

There are a number of surgical and non-surgical treatment options for Osteoarthritis sufferers. Surgical treatment of Osteoarthritis may include:

Joint replacement

Bone realignment also known as osteotomy

The fusing of bones

Arthroscopy and debridement which involves the cleaning out of bone and cartilage fragments that may be the cause of pain and inflammation. There is some scientific evidence, however, that this sort of surgery may not give people any material relief in the long term.

Surgery can seem invasive; therefore many Osteoarthritis sufferers prefer non-surgical treatments for relief from Osteoarthritis.

These are also quite effective. Non-surgical treatment options for Osteoarthritis include:

1. Hot and Cold Therapy

2. Medication that relieves pain and inflammation

3. Physical therapy

4. Weight reduction

5. Targeted Exercise, such as that prescribed by a physiotherapist

6. Assistive devices such as custom foot orthotics and custom knee bracing

7. Durolane injections

Durolane injections have become very popular as an alternative treatment for Osteoarthritis and involve injections directly into the joint affected. Durolane is a gel that contains hyaluronic acid that lubricates joints. This improves joint-function and range of motion. Durolanes cushioning of the joints also brings pain relief to Osteoarthritis sufferers. These injections are quick to administer and are an innovative drug- free alternative treatment.

As Durolane injections target the affected body part, they may also offer long term relief by helping to delay or reduce the need for hip or knee replacement. So starting on injections early in the course of osteoarthritis is imperative. This is why many younger people with osteoarthritis have Durolane injections.

Since Osteoarthritis is a disease that occurs more regularly within the aging population, seniors may prefer Durolane injections as they pose considerably less risk than surgery. While Osteoarthritis surgeries are performed every day posing minimal risk, many see Durolane injections as a method of avoiding the headache of possible post-surgical complications. Reactions to anesthesia, bleeding inside the joints, blood clots, blood vessel or nerve damage, damage to cartilage, muscles, ligaments or tendons or infection are unpleasant side-effects that Durolane treatments help Osteoarthritis sufferers avert. Each individuals personal circumstances, health and lifestyle will play a role in customizing a treatment plan that works right for them.

In many cases the best treatment for Osteoarthritis can be found in sports therapy clinics that provide regular assistance to athletes and non-athletes who suffer from it. The best sports therapy clinics will likely provide access to a multi-disciplinary medical team. There are many treatment options for Osteoarthritis, therefore you may want to educate yourself and explore several at once. The additional benefit of sports therapy clinics is one-stop access to a team of professionals who can help in this regard.

Kamis, 26 April 2018

Drink To A Happy Holiday With TheseSparkling Spanish Phrases

Drink To A Happy Holiday With TheseSparkling Spanish Phrases

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Drink To A Happy Holiday With TheseSparkling Spanish Phrases

The festive season is fast approaching and it's the time to eat, drink and be merry! The pleasures of la buena mesa were discussed in the previous article so this time, let's look at the world of drink. You're going to discover several sparkling Spanish phrases sure to help you enjoy a very happy holiday wherever you may be in the Spanish-speaking world!

One of my very favorite ways to relax is to sit outside a caf with a nice cold beer - una cerveza. If like me you prefer draught beer - de presin - just ask for una caa in Spain or una fra in Latin America. And if you're really parched and in need of a refreshing beer and lemonade shandy to quench your thirst, simply ask for una clara.

A very polite way to order your drink is to add "cuando pueda" - when you can, like this: Una caa por favor, cuando pueda.

It'll earn you a lot of respect because it shows you possess the much admired quality of "educado" and you'll be rewarded with excellent service too!

Perhaps you prefer to take a nice glass of wine when you relax? I'm sure you already know the Spanish words for red and white wine - vino tinto y vino blanco - but ordering ros wine often catches out lots of gringos. Ros wine in Spanish is el vino rosado y no es vino rosa so now you know! And you can order una botella, una media botella o un vaso. Wine can be very expensive in restaurants and a canny tip is to order the house wine - vino de la casa - as it will not only be cheaper but of surprisingly good quality in many places.

Coffee is very popular here in Spain and in Barcelona, the beautiful city where I am so very lucky to live, the locals enjoy un carajillo, which is un caf pequeo con brandy, ron o gisqui. Although I've noticed that lots of chicas here prefer to add a good splash of Baileys instead. Talking of whisky, if you've invited some Spanish friends over for dinner, have a bottle or two of good whisky ready as it is a very popular drink with Spanish people.

If like me you enjoy the occasional bacardi and coke, then you need to know that the term "coke" isn't used so you can either ask for bacardi con coca-cola but better is to ask for a cuba libre.

Here's a very bubbly Spanish phrase for you. You're celebrating with friends and you'd like to propose a toast. Many non-native Spanish speakers will usually just say "salud". You're going to do a lot better than that! Check out this vibrant Spanish phrase so you can propose a toast in an authentic, traditional Spanish style and bask in the admiration you receive:

Quisiera hacer un brindis. Salud, dinero y amor y el tiempo para gozarlos! - I'd like to propose a toast. Health, money and love and the time to enjoy them!

When it's time for the final round of drinks, many guiris y gringos will say to el camarero o la camarera: la ltima por favor. This is fine but there's a really nice superstition that exists throughout the Spanish-speaking world concerning the final drink of the evening and it will win you bucket-loads of respect and many approving looks. In the Hispanic world, one's final drink - la ltima - is the one you will have just before you depart this mortal coil so it is better to simply say: la penltima, your last but one and I think this is really sweet.

And if you've had a little too much to drink, you will wake up the next day with la resaca - an undertow - in Spain, la cruda - rawness - in Mexico, but in Venezuela, you will have el ratn en tu cabeza - the mouse in your head - and I think this Spanish phrase is such a good way to describe a hangover! But if you say: "Tengo una resaca brutal", you will be understood wherever you're drinking bloody Marys for brunch!

Lots of great Streetwise Spanish phrases there to help you add punch to your spoken Spanish so you enjoy a very merry festive season but watch out for that mischievous little mouse!

Feliz navidad y feliz ao nuevo,

Peter Christian.

Drain Your Lymph Nodes and Regain Your Health

Drain Your Lymph Nodes and Regain Your Health

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Drain Your Lymph Nodes and Regain Your Health

It's quite common for the lymphatic system to become blocked. You may have experienced the congestion of a cold or the swelling of your lymph nodes during throat, ear or lung infections. Over time, the toxins that build up in the lymph nodes can weaken our immune systems and make us more susceptible to viruses. Lymphatic Drainage is a gentle and safe way to stimulate fluid circulation and increase the body's immune system.

What is Lymphatic Drainage Therapy?

Lymphatic Drainage Therapy (LDT) sounds scarier than it is. It's actually a very gentle massage to the lymph nodes. This massage helps to circulate fluids and remove toxins from your system. While it may seem that you could massage your own lymph nodes the rhythm, pressure, direction and anatomical placement of the massage are all very important factors that are best left to a skilled and trained practitioner. There are lymph nodes on the side of the head and neck, in the arms, upper and lower trunk and legs.

Lymphatic drainage practitioners most often use a form of "mapping" also known as Manual Lymphatic Mapping (MLM) that allows them to access the lymphatic pathways. There are specific directions of lymphatic flows in the body and mapping allows the practitioner to find the pathways with fluid stagnation and alternative pathways for healing. Once these pathways are determined a gentle touch with light pressure and wavelike, pulsating movements will be used on these pathways to stimulate toxin release and a clearing of these passageways.

Self Lymphatic Drainage through Rebounding

There are many ways to stimulate your own lymphatic drainage. For instance, you can give yourself massages and use exercise to help keep a healthy lymph system. Many people enjoy using a "rebounder", a small trampoline-like piece of exercise equipment, to promote lymphatic health. Many doctors suggest using the rebounder due to the fact that jumping on it causes a gravitational pull (and surge upwards) that causes you lymphatic system to clear its own valves and keep a smooth running of fluids running throughout your entire body. Rebounding is a simple and easy way to regulate the flow of fluids in the body and keep a healthy immune system. It may sound too easy, but jumping on a trampoline or rebounder is a perfect exercise to promote natural lymphatic drainage.

Lymphatic Health

While lymphatic drainage is a wonderful way to keep your immune system healthy, it has many other benefits. It is known to detoxify the body, reduce swelling, relieve pain and regenerate tissue around wounds, wrinkles, burns or stretch marks. Lymphatic drainage is also known to reduce fibromyalgia and fatigue syndrome. Many believe it has anti-aging affects, improves the memory and can be a helpful aid for insomnia and stress.

Dos and Donts after Botox Skin Treatments

Dos and Donts after Botox Skin Treatments

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Dos and Donts after Botox Skin Treatments

There are various methods for eliminating undesirable skin problems such as acne, facial hair, wrinkles, veins, sunspots and scars among a host of other skin problems. However, one of the most popular solutions for treating wrinkled skin is Botox treatments. These have proven to be the most effective and persistent over long periods. Recent developments in Botox compounds technology have opened up several different methods and applications of Botox based treatments. To undergo a successful Botox procedure, one must know about all the requirements and conditions beforehand. One must be knowing their skin type as it is very necessary since this is essentially a skin treatment procedure. Understanding your skin type helps your doctor or surgeon or the person handling the Botox, to adjust the quantity of Botox dosages such that it is safe for the skin and you as well. For quantity of Botox higher than necessary may lead to extra tightening of the skin as well as restriction of the movement o facial muscles. While lower dosages of Botox will not be effective at removing unwanted wrinkles completely. Therefore, the correct dosages of Botox are very important for best results, which are safe as well. Botox treatments are simple and almost virtually painless. A treatment can take up to 20 minutes, depending on how many injections need to infused as per previously calculated requirements. These Botox injections are infused between the eyebrows, in or around your crow's feet (near the eyes) and, for furrows in your forehead, which can be treated too. Another different method is to go in for collagen stimulator surgery or procedure, which promotes the body to reconstruct dead skin cells and recreate skin that appears youthful and radiant. A collagen stimulator works by stimulating the production of your own facial collagen, which helps reduce and eliminate lines, wrinkles and folds and replaces fullness to your face, which has been lost by ageing. This collagen stimulator works gradually and gently by providing natural and subtle results, which are visible on the surface of your skin from day one. Once your treatment plan comprising a collagen stimulator has been completed, the subsequent results may last up to 3 years, depending upon the type of skin and all the others environmental factors such as the kind of climate it is exposed to, the frequency with which it is washed and dried, maintained, etc. Usually the results last longer than other types of injectable treatments.

One of the most important things to avoid doing after a Botox surgery is applying any kind of facial creams, ointments, cleansers, bleaching agents, cold creams, lotions, sprays, beauty products such as whiteners, etc. Moreover, the skin must not be exposed to any irritants, harsh chemical agent, gases, extremely harsh or extended durations of sunlight. This will cause the skin to dry up or even peel as the skin after Botox treatment has witnessed a fresh new layer of skin exposed directly to natural elements around us. Therefore, the skin must be carefully and gently moistened and wiped and not rigorously, harshly. Using medicinal cold creams or moisturisers to prevent the skin from drying up, always. Protect the skin from environmental pollutants and hazardous substances.

Rabu, 25 April 2018

Does Traction Help a Bent Member

Does Traction Help a Bent Member

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Does Traction Help a Bent Member

The appearance of a guys member can be a matter of great concern to a man. Every guy wants to sport a handsome male organ, and so men may spend time admiring or worrying over their manhood. A frequent concern occurs when the member is curved; a certain amount of curvature may be considered attractive, but when a man has a severely bent member, it may cause anguish. And beyond the physical appearance, a really bent member can be a male organ health issue. When the curvature is extreme enough to cause pain or interfere with sensual functioning, steps may need to be taken to address the issue. One strategy is using a traction device to help lessen the curvature. But is this a medically sound option?
Peyronies disease

Often when a bent member is severely affected, a man may be diagnosed with Peyronies disease. Named after the doctor who first described the condition, Peyronies disease is generally caused when the member experiences trauma or injury. This may be a direct blow to the member, as when a baseball traveling at great speed hits the midsection, or it may come about from the manhood being handled too roughly during sensual activity. In the latter, the condition is likely to result from repeated instances of rough handling.

When the member is injured, a small amount of scar tissue, called plaque, forms as part of the healing process. If the injury is large enough, or if repeated trauma causes more layers of scar tissue to form on top of each other, it can result in curving. This occurs because the plaque lacks the elasticity of regular manhood tissue. So when the member becomes firm, the damaged side of the manhood cant stretch as far as the other side, causing the organ to bend.

In some cases, this causes pain when the member becomes firm. It also may bring about tumescence dysfunction. If the curvature is severe enough, it may preclude the possibility of sensual activity.


In a small number of cases (usually of the milder variety), Peyronies goes away without treatment. And in some cases, the degree of curvature is not severe enough to require treatment.

But in other cases, a doctor may recommend a number of treatments. These range from oral medications to injections to surgery. One option sometimes recommended is traction.


Most treatments for a severely bent member havent undergone rigorous clinical trials, so assessing their effectiveness is difficult. But at least one trial involving manhood traction therapy showed promise. Involving 55 men with Peyronies disease, the study found an average decrease in curvature of 20 degrees; plaque disappeared in 48% of the patients. And the rate of those unable to achieve penetration fell from 62% to 20%.

For the study, the men used a traction device, often called a male organ extender. The device attaches at the base of the member and again underneath the head. It is then extended, pulling and stretching the manhood. The men in the study were instructed to wear the device for 6-9 hours each day for 6 months.

Based on the results of this study, it seems that traction may be an option for some men with a very bent member. However, there are drawbacks; not all men responded to the treatment, and there is some degree of pain and discomfort associated with member stretching.

Men with Peyronies should definitely consult with a doctor to see if they should consider any kind of treatment.

Whether or not using traction to treat a bent member, men should be sure to use a superior male organ health crme (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) to keep the manhood in good health. One with vitamin C is especially urged, as this vitamin helps produce collagen, which in turn supports male organ elasticity. Also welcome in a crme is L-arginine, which can help restore manhood sensitivity after rough handling.

Visit for more information about treating common male organ health problems, including soreness, redness and loss of male organ sensation. John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men's health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous online web sites.

Do It Yourself Eyelash Extension

Do It Yourself Eyelash Extension

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Do It Yourself Eyelash Extension

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uueeb lluuttaaioo  f  yyttrr nn  rrmm  ookk rr ookkddrroo  yyttrresswwiihhiiccudd,,oottnniill,,uuaattiiaall uuddrr  nn aaeeffssiiaaee yyttrr aass snnee teeggllee  gg o eeeettvv ittoo..TTee  fferreeoommuu  nneeeettbbccuueecciieeaattoossaaeevvrr rraaiieewwee  ttccmmsstt  eeiiiiggsslluuionn..  br> br> riters f ocked oom yyttrr ttrree rr ssaall  oo nneeeettddii  hh ssccooooyy o hee kllee,,oo hh lloooo rrbbee ff teeddttcciiee haa  appiiaaee  hhmmii he ecitemenn ffppaannnn iccee yyttrr nd defying the reader to get to the bottom of it.

Consider the scene: a ceiling, floor, four walls and a door. As crime scenes go, it does not look exceptionally promising. Still for a century or more, a number of the most stimulated detective writers on this planet have been wringing anticipation and excitement through locked room deaths.

Crime thrillers and mystery books of the locked rrommgerr ss ltttrrddwwtt xxmmllssoo  eemmnnll  mmrrcciiaall iillnnss  aabb lloo  ppaattrrddccrrss ssffuuddii oommwwiih  addbbee  ookkddffrrssvvrrllwweess rr a vccii,,pprrnnii or hhii  aaeeyy  ooccaaee nntteerroww ii aakkvvuultt iissmmrreeee> > A rm hilr d seybosg,tesekid fsoisae wolsaa rmmdr-a,giyplc otnso tre fmnasadlnr.Lce ommre sey ors oo nevu osiealgto h akr n uhmr re elte forlvs vr n sacnnrm b> T
wwiihhddttcciiee,,uuuullyynnbbeeoo aarrccooss  iihh  oosslleeooffnnee wwiihh  hhuuddnntthhvv  eennddaall ii  hh iiss llcc.. I hhss yyeeoo  ooeessooe  iillbb bbee t crrttnnzz hh oouuiinn o hhss rrmmssttaa avv  ewwlleeee  hh ost llvvrroo eaderr nn eettddtteeppwwrr ff tee mss lever ff dttcciiee. br> br> iihhnnttii iittoo  oouuiinn oolddbb  oouudbbtt hoo fee eeeeooiillkkiiee  nnooddrrtthht  hhyyppuummtt itt hh  eerr fftteevvcttmm rr vccooss ctt  hhss llww hhvv  eennddppee nn piion, iddennddoowwyy,,ggssffllllddggaassvvaassccuuhee  nddrrffottaaddssiiiiggddooss  vvrr nn nnooeessaallttll ff teeaaaaiig  nneettvvnnss ff attoossoo  yyttrr  nn  rrmm ookk eeiiss br>
ppooss o aayy ff teeee bxxddsstt  ffbboossggoonnllkk rrmmttvv aahhnnrr ooeeee  hh  aaooiiyyaarrvv rrppee pp wtt eellyyiissiiee eeoouuiinn<r> Undduuttddyyrrvvttnng,,sccrr suuff oowwiiss ooeeoo he hhrrcceessoo hh  ttrree  aa  aaee gnn hh ayy o heeccrrss n he ockkddrroo,,ii ou rr eedd oo g  ookknn  oo  tt  hhssooddsshhoo ggnneessaassaaiieeanddwell..YYull evee ooo t lloo,,ffuu  all  nn a  eellnn n he amm ayyeeee> Shop ookk ssaa nniieebookkttrr oo  vvrrttiiggbbooss  ee hvv iieess aagg ffccttggrree  ooeeiiggaallggnnee nd n ll aaoo  oommtt..WWeeccnnaass  aaeeii  aayyffrryyuutt bbaannccllnnaass ddaaiiss  uuii Ds nddddwwllaass VVss eessaaee iittbboossaaddmmcc ooee e aaeetteellwwss rrcc ookk nniieess  hhcc ss ott addttkk ddaattgg ff all orr feeuunn pecial fffrr../divv�

Do Gemstones Work-No They Don't for 90% of the People.

Do Gemstones Work-No They Don't for 90% of the People.

Image source:

Do Gemstones Work-No They Don't for 90% of the People.

Do Gemstones Work-No They Dont for 90% of the People.

Alteration of Karmic Life Map is a Herculean Task

The day an individual takes birth, his/ her karmic life map also referred to as fate/ destiny by many, comes into force. This karmic life map is the sum total of all milestones going to occur in an individuals lifetime. This map includes but is not limited to moments of happiness and despair, phases of luxury and poverty, supreme strength and diseases, periods of power as well as humiliation, focussed mind and anxiety, experience of love as well as failure in relationships etc.

To combat the negative factors of the karmic life map such as accidents, fatal diseases, divorce, lack of job, litigation, lack of social respect, lack of a progeny etc. the sacred texts have listed 6 karmic pathways to remove obstacles, tide over problems and finally emerge victorious with a feeling of fulfilment and happiness.

The 6 pathways to alter negative karmic life map are:

1) Mantra.
2) Tantra
3) Yantra
4) Aushadha
5) Yagya
6) Ratna

Here we will to touch briefly on the essential meanings of these pathways and the limitations attached to each.

1) The first pathway to remove negative factors is mantra. Mantra is a spiritual formula consisting of sacred syllables which when chanted in a particular manner leads to attainment of desires. The limitations attached to mantra chanting are as follows:

a) Mantra has to be chanted in a particular manner everyday at a particular time for optimum effects. Many mantras have the prerequisite condition of living a celibate lifestyle during this whole procedure. In these times, it is difficult to imagine a normal householder (Grihasta) - one who is in maximum need of a remedial measure sitting under a tree at 4 oclock early in the morning and doing this practice for several days at a stretch.
b) The total number of mantras to be chanted is huge. This range is anywhere from 108 to 1,25,000 or more. Besides, it is an established fact that your daily quota of mantra chanting should be same in number as the previous day or more.
c) One has to be initiated into a mantra by a Guru- the divine preceptor who will teach the finer nuances of the mantra chanting to the individual and also transfer a part of his/ her spiritual strength. This process together is called as Deeksha and Shaktipath.
d) Mantra chanting has to be in a rhythm with a proper flow of syllables as Mantras basically work by sound waves. For example Hreeng is different from Hreem which in turn is different from Hareeng. Incorrect chanting and choice of wrong mantra creates havoc in an individuals life and brings more problems including delusion. I have seen many families get destroyed by the random and incorrect chanting of the Gayatri Mantra- Yes the most powerful, divine and pure mantra. Individuals start chanting this mantra indiscriminately after reading a web page and the result is frequent quarrels and confrontations at home leading to a vicious atmosphere.
e) One has to be aware of the fact that most of the mantras have flowed from Shiva and Shakti. At the start of the Kaliyuga (The present time frame) Lord Shiva after observing the abuse of mantras for meeting selfish ends and causing of pain to other individuals made all mantras Kilita, i.e. put a spiritual lock to them. Most of the mantras that we see today are a modified form of the original mantra wherein a particular syllable or a sound factor has been eliminated to create a spiritual lock to make the mantra dysfunctional. To make the mantra an effective one again we have to perform practices such as Utkilana (removal of spiritual lock) and Shapodhara (removal of the spiritual curse). The individuals who are aware of these practices are surely a very rare breed.

2) The second pathway to alter a karmic life map is Tantra. The word tantra basically means a mechanism or an amalgamation of spiritual procedures to bring the desired result. These include but are not limited to the use Mudras- systematic hand gestures, asanas-yogic postures etc. Efficacy of Tantra is intimately dependent on mantra to yield the desired results. Hence all limitations as listed in mantras apply in this case. You can imagine the result.
3) The third pathway for karmic life map alteration is Yantra. Yantra is an intricate geometrical diagram drawn while chanting of mantras and has been traditionally considered as the seat of the sacred deities. Energization of Yantras requires strong and consistent mantra sadhna, daily rituals to consecrate the Yantra. This process is required daily and sometime runs anywhere from 45 minutes to 2 hours. Limitations such as these render most of the yantras quite ineffective.
4) Aushadha basically means medicine and is used only in cases of diseases. It has little use in other challenging karmic situations.
5) Yagya- is basically a fire ritual wherein sacred herbs and other sacred material is offered to the fire which in turn acts as their carrier to the sacred deity. Yagya is again dependent on mantras and if you see the limitations of mantras you can guess how effective this remedy is going to be. An unhealthy trend viewed today due to lack of time, patience and devotion is the culture of seemingly short cut Yagyas. These Yagyas have no basis in the shastras and have been basically customized to justify laziness and lack of time and resources. For example the sacred texts mention that Ganpathi Homa- the Yagya of Lord Ganesh should start before in the wee hours of early morning and finish before the sun actually begins to rise on that particular day itself. What we see today is Ganpathi Homa being conducted randomly at any point of the day. The number of mantras is also varied according to time constraints. The result is little or no benefit.
6) That leaves us with the last resort and the main subject of our discussion, to alter the Karmic life map - Ratna or the gemstone. This sounds too good to be true. Just wear a Gemstone of the representing planet set in a finger ring and just forget everything. Next morning wake up in heaven with all desires fulfilled.
No, even though this is the most effective and easy solution several flaws creep into the gems therapy for destiny does not want you to alter your karmic life map so easily.

One has to go through pain.

How Gem Therapy Fails.

I will generally classify gem therapy failures in 5 sections:

1) Recommendation is incorrect, gem is correct.

- I have seen recommendations made on just basis of the Nakshatra-the birth star of the individual, the Janma Rasi-the placement of moon based on the position of moon and many times gems recommendation of the dasha lord-the major planetary period without an actual assessment of the planetary position in totality. This sometimes leads to escalation of major problems rather than solutions.

Case Study

Individual born in Ardra Nakshatra was recommended to wear a Hessonite garnet just because he was born in Ardra Nakshatra. Well this individual just went ahead and wore a massive 6 carat fully flawed Hessonite through which no light was actually passing. Result- In one week, while riding, his motorbike engine seized. He developed a fungal infection in his right foot and had to battle fever and flu for 5 days continually. His consultant did not bother to check that his Rahu was posited in the 8th house of losses and accidents in the sign of Sagittarius.

To make gem therapy work one has to analyze the chart as a whole including Rasi, Lagna, Navamasa, Planetary periods and Gochara-actual present planetary position of planets. General recommendations such as you are a Gemini native and hence an emerald will suit you leads to very ordinary and in many cases negative results.

2) Recommendation is correct, gem is incorrect

- This is the scenario which leads to maximum failures in Gem Therapy. In most cases when a gem prescription is going to work the force of the negative karmic life map takes over and makes an individual wear a flawed gem with the result that there are no positive breakthroughs. Following permutations and combinations occur in this clause:

a) Gem is heavily flawed- Natural gemstones will have some visible inclusions which prove that they were born in the lap of Mother Nature and not created in a laboratory. However a good quality gemstone is characterized by a uniform cut, good clarity with little to no inclusion, having a good lustre and adequate size. Please note my use of adequate size. Big is not exactly powerful if it is not a clean gemstone. This fascination for gem weight leads to maximum failures in gem therapy. Imagine what you find more impressive- A Man wearing a 1 carat flawless Diamond or a bonded labourer carrying 100 Kg worthless stones on his head with a bent back.

This can best be illustrated by pictures:

Picture A

Heavily flawed African Ruby of 6.5 carats purchased at $50 per carat (I really dont know even if this one is actually an African stone. Owner says it was sold to him with the description reading as African. Looks like a sample from South India rather than Africa.)

I really would not classify this even as a gemstone. I will just qualify this as a mineral sample. Yes I know several shady geology departments operating out of nowhere issuing certificates that will classify this as a Ruby. There will be no mention of treatments or comments about colour or clarity etc. This certificate is used just to mentally satisfy a client that he/ she is wearing something genuine. What kind of results will this gemstone give? None. Who will be blamed for non-performance - Gemology? If you believe in certificates, get a certification from a standard gemology lab such as GIA-Gemmological Institute of America or a qualified Gemmologist or get Government appraisal through Government nominated qualified appraisers. Sometimes certification cost will be more than cost of such a stone. Majority of gemstones sold by jewellers and internet consultants are of this quality. This gemstone is not worth even $2 a carat. Yes the mineral sample is Ruby but does it actually make the cut as a gemstone?

Picture B

Nearly eye clean Burmese Ruby of 2.2 carats purchased at $650 per carat.

Such a natural eye clean gemstone even though of less weight will give 1000 times more results and powerful results at that. This will harness the best of Sun energies and will lead to potent results.

Conclusion- Always aim for eye clean natural gemstone. The cost of Ruby A is $325 and the cost of Ruby B is $1430. Many sceptics will argue that in such a scenario gem therapy will only work for rich people who can afford such a eye clean gemstone. I beg to differ. In case cost factor is a consideration please go ahead and buy two, 1 carat each natural eye clean rubies. Your cost will come down by 50% but such a strategy will definitely deliver results rather than wearing a 6.5 carat bluff rock. If someone is not able to afford even this budget, then opt for a natural eye clean alternative substitute gemstone such as a spinel. If one cannot afford this too, please wait and start at a basic correct point after sometime. A good gemstone will definitely lead you to a position where at a later stage you will be able to procure a much better quality gemstone. If a natural pearl is beyond your means, aim for a natural blue sheen moonstone.

b) Lack of Treatment disclosure. One of the other major reasons for gem therapy to fail is the lack of ethical disclosure of gem treatments. Enter here, the family jeweller who has been supplying gold and silver ornaments from my grandfathers time. It just so happens that he also carries gemstones and I have faith in him. I have been tired of this story. Please understand that as compared to a jeweller a gemmologist is a rare breed and an Astro gemmologist (someone who is a qualified astrologer and a certified gemmologist - mind you not one who is an astrologer who also happens to practice gem recommendation) is still a rarer breed. Just for example today 90% of rubies in the open market have gone through a process of glass filling and are ineffective for astrology purposes. What kinds of results will a Beryllium treated Blue Sapphire deliver. A stone which was White in colour became blue by infusion of some trace element! It will deliver no results.

Conclusion- Always aim for a untreated natural gemstone and insist on a written statement about treatments if any. Ignore diffused Sapphires, Gum/Resin filled Emeralds, Dyed Yellow Sapphires and cultured Pearls (Insist on a Radiography report in case of pearls.).

c) Ignoring Doshas within the gem listed in the sacred texts. In the sacred texts certain doshas have been listed for each gemstone that leads to problems. Very few individuals are aware of these doshas. One of the doshas mentioned in the Shastras about Blue Sapphires is to avoid a Sapphire with an inclusion that resembles the claw of a crow. Such a Blue Sapphire leads to loss of wealth and bad health.

Always ascertain that the Gem is Sattvik (having positive energy) and is free from doshas.

3) Recommendation is incorrect, Gemstone is incorrect.

This is a combination of the above two clauses. However sometimes this clause goes to really weird levels. An individual who came to consult me was wearing a Blue Sapphire in the middle finger of right hand in silver and a Ruby in the ring finger of right hand in Gold. I really could not fathom that why were these were being used in conjunction unless the objective was to heal a physical disease. I asked him to enlighten me on this unique combination. He said that the Blue Sapphire was supposed to bring in wealth and the Ruby was to make Government officials favourable to him as he was primarily into earning through government contracts. I do not know whether these objectives were met but this individual was suffering from chronic depression, high blood pressure, water retention and gained weight rapidly after using these two gemstones together. I just asked him to remove both the gemstones for a period of minimum 42 days and revert back. The result- barring his weight problem all his health parameters improved including a stabilized blood pressure level. Till today he is not wearing any gemstone and still thanks me for the best gem recommendation - A recommendation which did not prescribe any gemstones.

Conclusion- This is the most unfortunate scenario and leads to many horror stories associated with gems. The so called mythical bad effects of Blue Sapphire are less due to Lord Saturn and more due to use of bad stones full of flaws.

4) Recommendation is correct, there is no action.

This is the least occurring scenario but happens. People just keep delaying their remedy for one reason or another. Commonly cited issues are lack of time, lack of funds, lack of proper source but it is basically a lack of motivation which has crept into by a negative karmic life map. Whatever the reason the gem has not failed. The individual has made it fail.

5) Recommendation is correct, Gemstone is correct but use is improper.

I call this scenario as the case of so near and yet so far. To get a proper recommendation and a good gemstone is extremely good fortune. But the karmic life map works to bring flaws even in this system. I have such a long list of reasons which lead to failure but I will stick to the basic ones:

a) Frequent removal of the gemstone ring- Many individuals remove their rings while visiting the rest room, eating non vegetarian food, enjoying intimate pleasures thinking that their gem will get some bad energy. Well please understand that gems work by the play of light. A gem has worked hard to bring up the positive vibration within you. As soon as you remove it that vibration goes back to the base line and then the gem works hard again to bring it back. Gems are a power of God himself and have formed over a period of million of years absorbing the panch bhootas of earth, water, fire, air and space. They are so Sattvik that they can never get bad energies. The sacred texts are very clear in stating that one should remove the gemstone only when visiting a funeral or a cremation ground for someones last rights. After this process once an individual comes back, have a bath and wear your gemstone. Barring this single instance you should be wearing your gemstone all the time for optimum results. Secondly when you wear the gemstone for the first time an auspicious time is calculated according to principles of Electional astrology. The planetary combinations occurring at that time also aid in making your gemstone more effective.
b) Letting other people wear your gemstone. This should be avoided at all costs. Your gemstone has been energized in your name and birth star and is attuned to your body energies and destiny. Let other people see and appreciate your gemstone but do not let them wear your gemstone.
c) Having too much expectation from the gemstone. I have seen this scenario where many people want to experience an effect which I equate to the electric chair. Just as one experiences a shock by sitting in a electric chair they should feel the same by wearing the gemstone instantly. Treat your gemstone as your most intimate friend. It is working. It takes time to clear negative blocks and mistakes of many years. It will deliver. Have patience.

Your checklist to avoid a failure in gem therapy and get good results from your gem:

Here is a basic summary which can help you make a dent in your negative karmic life map and achieve a positive breakthrough:

1) Get a correct recommendation. Research and ask for references of your consultant.
2) Identify a good gemstone that comes with a guarantee of being gem quality and being astrologically potent.
3) Give priority to clarity, lustre, good colour and lack of inclusions to weight.
4) If having financial constraints go for a substitute gemstone.
5) If still having financial constraints please wait and avoid taking a flawed gemstone.
6) Consecrate and energize your gemstone properly with the correct procedure and rituals. Once you wear it in an auspicious time do not take it out.
7) Do not wear mutually inimical gemstones.
8) Be patient. If the above 7 conditions are met to the "T" your gemstone will deliver and will bring much development and happiness.

Among all 6 karmic pathways of solutions the pathway of gemstone therapy is the simplest, most effective and brings tangible results provided you do not fall prey to pitfalls listed above. Gemstone therapy never fails and a good gemstone never fails. The sway of the negative karmic life map leads to failures. I have seen individuals reach exceptional success through gemstones and have also seen the scenarios listed above.

Your gemstone can be your most dear and intimate friend staying closest to your body and heart. It will deliver. Do therapy correctly and have patience.

God Bless.

Guruji Shrii Arnav

Guruji Shrii Arnav-Vedic Guru is also an internationally acclaimed planetary gemmologist. An Accredited Jewelry Professional from the Gemmological Institute of America at present he is the chief mentor of and besides being the Dharmadhikari of the Vara Siddhi Vinayaka Temple. He is also the chief Horoscope columnist of Deccan Herald- A leading Indian English daily.

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